Urban Legend, or TRUTH? How did story of Ray Franz "spitting on" Karl Kline get started?

by dreamgolfer 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dreamgolfer

    I heard a story and wanted to get some follow up. Did anyone hear the same?

    Supposedly at a mutual friends funeral (I dont know who) Ray "supposedly spat" on Karl Kline for not talking to him after Ray was DF'd?

    Hit me back if this was true (which I really doubt) but even better who started the rumour and and story of this happening?

    If you know, please respond, if not - that's okay too

  • leavingwt

    First I've ever heard of it. Sounds extremely out-of-character.

  • james_woods

    Never heard of such a thing. I doubt that anybody who knew Ray Franz would believe it for a second.

  • jookbeard

    never heard that one, plus where would they have met? Ray moved out of Crooklyn and was DF'ed a fair time later.

  • dreamgolfer

    They supposedly met at a FUNERAL of a friend they shared in common -

    (After Ray Left NYC and before he died)

    I know it sounds obsurd, just looking to find out where this "kwap" got started,

  • Emery

    I'd weigh the information to see how biased it was and who it came from. But like someone mentioned, sounds highly out of character of Ray Franz and he wouldn't give that kind of ammunition to the organization.

  • LostGeneration

    Never heard of that one, but I'll add one to the fire that I heard when I was probably 12 years old.

    Someone at that time (cant remember who) told a car group that Ray Franz said something to this effect :

    "All I want to do in my old age is be able to sit on my porch and enjoy my pipe."

    The point was to attack Ray's character on two fronts, 1) that works don't matter, only faith. That he just wanted to slack off in his old age instead of peddling magazines. 2) That he was a smoker, and didn't agree with the policy change.

    I'm just curious if in fact he smoked. Not that it really matters if he did or not, but I'm wondering if that JW back then was just passing along an unfounded rumor to assasinate his character.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    although it is off topic, I wanted to post this because it deals with Urban legends. And how they come to be


  • james_woods

    I just hope we are not STARTING an urban legend here...nobody seems to have ever heard of this absurdity.

  • dreamgolfer

    Thanks all - I know it's not true - but a story is going around and being retold over and over to discredit his (Ray's ) character - As it was told to me when I questioned the "new light" idea. Pretty sad I know, but if anyone heard it - I knew you would disclose.

    Peace out

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