Theme: Safeguard Your Mind
Sunday - day 2
link to Saturday notes :
10:10 Symposium : Reflect the Mind of Christ in Your Family
Husbands, Continue Loving Just as Christ Loved
The view of this world is to gather as many material possessions as possible. But for us the most important type of possessions are the spiritual ones. One of the most important ones is the relationship with Jehovah. Bible is the way that Jehovah communicates with us.
1 Cor 2:16 – mind of Christ – we should have the same mental attitude. Reflect his example .
Husbands – what can they learn from Christ?
Eph. 5:25 – Jesus loved the congregation. Husbands should imitate the manner in which Jesus loved the congregation and his disciples. He was not ashamed to call his followers, his brothers. Wife is a Christian sister to a brother . He should treat her in the same way as he would sisters in the congregation, dignify her. He should also treat her as a friend. A wife should be husband's best friend. Men should cherish them.
1 Cor 11:3
Head of the wife is her husband , but that doesn't give him right to be a tyrant. They should imitate Christ, because as he said himself : his 'yoke is light'. He rejected worldly thinking, was a man of action, zealous, never misused his power, never did a single thing out of selfish sense of pleasure .
Wives, Appreciate Your Value in God's Eyes
Illustration of the hierarchy at home in Edwardian times. Lower step in that hierarchy, meant less value. In Christian life there are roles that require submission . Role of a wife does require that, but it does not devalue her in any way.
Christ was God's first creation . He was directly under God's submission. He humbly accepted the assignment to come down to the earth. Led a human life. Lowered himself to almost a slave like position in comparison with who he was . Perfect in submission towards his imperfect parents. And still God did not have any less value for him.
Family heads (husbands) have to be in submission towards Jesus.
1 Cor 11:3 – There is no shame or less value in being in submission. We all have the same value as human beings.
Women are among the anointed , in heaven with Christ. There is no distinction between sexes there – they are all sons of God. Females should be in submission at home, as well as in congregations, towards males who are leading both. They do not have any less value though.
God does not view men as superior to women – they both share the same hope. If you are a woman and you wish to please God you should :
1 Peter 2:21-23 – Christ submitted himself to his Father. He wasn't quick to anger. He was not reviling. He was not seeking vengeance in any form. Women should follow his example.
1 Perer 3:1,4 – Wives will commit themselves to the family heads in a quiet and mild spirit .
John 8:29 – Supporting the role of wife's husband in any decisions taken by the family head.
Parents, Bring Up Your Children in the 'Mental -Regulating of Jehovah'
Jesus taught by words and by example – same as parents should today.
Eph 6:4 – What fathers should, and shouldn't do. They should 'bring up children in the discipline and the mental regulating of Jehovah' . It's a very hard task at hand, because it is easy to talk about something to a person . It is much harder however, to put anything in their hearts. Mould their mind to reflect the one of Jesus'. That's why it really shows the need for the Family Worship Evening. It provides the spiritual food at the proper time, adequately to what might be required for the younger ones. That should help with building a foundation of the truth in their hearts, before they reach adolescence .
Children's thinking changes radically as they grow up. When young, they view everything in very plain black and white terms. When they get a bit older however , they start to develop abilities to think independently. They start to think outside of the box. As they begin to question everything , it may worry parents. As children begin to use their powers of reasoning, it is often then, that the most crucial part of bringing up occurs. A part which may decide the spiritual future of your child. All depends on how you handle that period. Don't react angrily towards your child's new views. Be calm, and lovingly help with development of his reasoning skills.
2 Tim 3:14,15
Example of Timothy. He was persuaded to believe. Not just accepted everything that he was told . He was reasoned with by his mother and grandmother.
Young Ones, Make the Truth Your Own
Consider intently, the model of Jesus Christ. Subject to Mary and Joseph, who were both imperfect .
Luke 2:46,47 – Jesus in the temple, conversing with the teachers, himself having a full grasp on spiritual things at the age of 12. Always doing things to please our Father, which was treated by him not as a burden, but as a privilege and a gift.
Romans 12:2 – We should transform ourselves. But how? 3 Ps.
Personal Study
Preparation for meetings – which will help you to stay focused and not bored
Hebrews 12:2
11:50 Circut Needs
The only interesting point I picked up on is that we (the great crowd) are the fulfilment of Pslam 26:12 'My own foot will certainly stand on a level place; Among the congregated throngs I shall bless Jehovah'
We are the congregated throngs...
Exciting!... Isn't it?
13:50 Public Address : Keep Close in Mind Jehovah's Day
When is it going to happen? And why?
World's events are getting worse day by day. Let's look at national security. With all of the school shootings, muggings, current economic situation , work uncertainty, corporate greed – everything seems to be stacked against you. And how can you feel secure in these conditions ?
Genesis 6 - In the times of Noah, earth was ruined in Jehovah's eyes. Flood was used as the means of the disposal of humans back then. We can see a pattern can't we?
There is a need for God's day, for judgement upon his enemies. It's like in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah. Name of our God is being defamed. World takes no note of him, and those that don't take note of him, will be brought to destruction in the Armageddon. We should keep that day close in out minds and our lives. No matter for how long we have been doing that already, there is no doubt that Jehovah's day is coming . What can we do in the meantime?
2 Pet 3:11,12 – Be awating and keeping close in mind, remembering and being focused on God's day. We know what to say, what to preach to people , but how shall we act? Do our actions reflect our readiness?
In the case of the Great Flood, Jehovah has left instructions for people wanting to survive.
Gen 6:14-16
2 Pet 2:5 – Noah is called 'a preacher of righteousness'. Which shows that he helped to spread instructions left for people wanting to survive .
Arc was built following exact instructions from God – that showed faith in God's work – Noah wouldn't have an idea of a box made out of wood would stay afloat.
Gen 6:9 – Noah is called 'faultless among his contemporaries'. He certainly kept in focus Jehovah's day.
There are two things we can do, if we wish to succeed like Noah :
Make good use of the available time, keep the right attitude while waiting . If you keep busy, you get the impression of time going faster . Jehovah is expecting us to be preachers of righteousness. We should follow the example of God, who is making good use of the time available . He is offering salvation to millions of people. We need to learn how to use our time as effectively.
We need to live our lives in accord with God's will. People stuck in this world, will be destroyed - same as in Noah's time. Jehovah warns us of the destruction awaiting, if we do not follow.
Of course that does not seem like a great motivation.
2 Peter 3:9 - Jehovah is not slow. He is patient because he wants as many people saved, as it is possible.
Good Samaritan illustration used by Jesus can be used, to show us that the compassion of that Samaritan is comparable with the one of God. Jehovah is the one that picks us up, takes care of us and binds up the wounds we have received from Satan.
We should exert ourselves and draw ourselves closer to Jehovah. We should try and resist the negative attitude and influence of Satan's system . We can see, that this is clearly not just a message of destruction . It's also a message of salvation. Satan's world is trying to change, unbalance our thinking, by imposing a view that Jehovah's day is not drawing near.
Let's look for example at recreation. Not all recreation is bad. But we should always look at three things when dealing with the subject of recreation . What is it, when are we going to be doing it and with whom .
It is quite clear what we shouldn't be doing. We wouldn't want to dabble in entertainment related to the occult or similar. But sometimes we may get the attitude that... well it's not all bad. There is just a little bit of that in there.
Illustration of peanut allergy. If you had a peanut allergy, first thing you do when you go to someone's house, and they are serving you food is : has it got any peanuts in it? Similarly – all of the things bad we should treat as an allergy. A deathly allergy. Even in tiny portions of something, that may appear wholesome, it could be deadly for us.
Let's look at the 'when' of the recreation. Time in a sense is money. Or rather time has value. Time that we have waisted on an activity – could we have used it on spiritual things? How much is our time worth ?
Who with ? If an activity is not wrong in itself, we should be careful who we involve ourselves with. We wouldn't want anyone to disturb our attitude of readiness for Jehovah's day.
We must follow God's standards of conduct. Satan's world is out to desensitise us, and make our thinking sceptical . People begin to pursue the Higher Education, and then they begin to question everything .
Experience: A brother was talking to a philosopher.
Phil.: How can you be sure of anything?
Bro: Well can't we just say that there are some facts?
Phil.: Well name me fact !
Bro. : Ok that's a coffe table standing right there!
Phil.: How do you know it is a coffe table? Maybe to me it is a banana?
Bro.: Well I would like to see you peel it then!
( everybody roars with laughter – and I wanted to scream and shout)
We should avoid scepticism . Foolish and ignorant questioning – nothing else . Takes the focus away from Jehovah's day.
World's attitude towards marriage. Nothing more than just a legal arrangement nowadays . But we know that marriage is very precious in God's eyes. World just treats it as a piece of paper.
We should make a full advantage of the provisions left for us by Jehovah. Are we doing that?
Publications, scriptures , cd-roms – abundance of food. But we need to make sure we do eat. Sometimes it is just as easy to starve yourself, while surrounded by food.
How can we be ready for God's day?
2 Peter 3:11,12
Flood came just as Jehovah has said it will. Jehovah's day will happen. It is real. We should keep it in our minds.
14:30 Brace Up Your Minds for Activity
Salvation – God's provision made before we were born. He wants every human being to be saved. However there is a battle for our minds. Satan does not want us to think in God's way.
1 Peter 1:13
Breaced Up – ready to go, being prepared
Your Mind – you, each one individually
For Activity
If we are not careful, our minds may escape from the state of focus and readiness . But we must remember, if we do everything we can to focus – we have God on our side, and he will help us, while face with any trial .
To be focused: don't just prepare for meetings. Study! That should help with shaping and moulding our thinking, and keep us in a state of mind showing readiness. We should keep focused when it comes to the ministry . We need to think about ways on how to talk to people, how to preach successfully.
It's a hard battle – we have got our imperfections, Satan's system and Satan himself against us.
1 Peter 1:13
We should be mentally prepared.
By studying we learn more about God and that, in turn gives us more confidence , that God really does have our best interest in mind.
Phil 1:10
More importantly : our prayer, study, participating and attending meeting , encouraging others, ministry should take the priority in our lives. If that happens, everything else will fall into it's right place. Our decisions should reflect our state of mind, which should be reflecting the one of Jesus'
2 Cor 6:14,15 - We mustn’t allow ourselves to associate with people, who do not share our hope of salvation. Who do not try and reflect Jesus' example in their lives. Who do not live their lives according to God's will. Jehovah is our best friend.
Do we look for someone outside of the organisation as a potential mate? We need to obey God's law
Heb 13:5 - Are we content with what we have? Or are we looking for more ? More possessions, money etc ?
We should trust God's thinking not our own, human, imperfect thinking.
Ps 126:5,6 – even in pain, even in anxiety – but still serving God. No matter how bad the situation may be. And if we do that, there will be a reward for our loyalty and sacrifices.
Jude 17,18
2 Peter 3:10- Jehovah's day is like a thief, coming at night. Just in the right time. World will pass away with a hiss. We know where we are in the stream of time. We are exactly in the point in time, which was prophesied by Daniel.
Rom 13:11 – keep going faithful one. We are closer to God's day today, than we were yesterday. Are we doing the best that we can?
1 Tes 5:6-8 - Be in a state of urgency – which means to be in a condition of readiness. Ready for anything. Ready for another test. Having God by our side.
1 Pet 1 :8,9 – it could be us, that Paul was writing about here.
15:00 – Let the Peace of God Guard Your Mental Powers
I am really sorry... but I felt so mentally drained after the public talk ... I just could not force myself to focus... I apologise ! I almost lasted the whole day....