Greetings Shelby,
Along with the others I offer my condolences to you and I'm sure your rage over this is no more than mine.
: Why did he come? Because he was 'hearing', too. And he had had a couple of visions, which he understood very clearly, but was afraid to tell anyone about.
Why didn't God "tell" him clearly not to do what he eventually did?
: We shared a lot of experiences... and fears. I told Robert that I had been told by my Lord that they would eventually expel us (there were others...), and he agreed.
If God has even a whit of omniscience, then he would have known what Robert would have done as a result, wouldn't he? Why did God allow that to happen, then; especially to someone who God carried on long-distance conversations with?
: Merciful Father, JAH, Holy One of Israel and Creator of the heavens and earth, I beg you, through my Lord and Master, your Son and Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, that if these men are responsible for the depth of my brother's despair, that you not hold this error against such men, and that you also find it in your large heart to have mercy upon Robert and remember him and his family. Yet, let not my will, but yours take place. For the Robert I knew would want it that way.
God could have stopped the whole thing, but he didn't, and you're asking GOD to show MERCY on the poor soul he wouldn't step forward and help before it was too late? Some God. Some God.
: Hi Shelby: With what you know of the Bryant's, details of Robert's mental health, and also any of his relationships within the congregation, you need to contact the authorities in McMinnville, Oregon (Yamhill County Sheriff) as soon as possible. Information you have may help them understand this situation, and possibly, if the Bryant's were murdered (but made to look like a suicide) it could help the authorities capture the bad guys.
I totally agree. In fact, Shelby's letter is quite moving and would be believable and very powerful if she left out the "God talks to me and talked to Robert" stuff.