well done, very interesting read!
Why Russell could not have been the faithful and discreet slave (from the standpoint of JW belief)
by JWB 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Russell could not have been selected as the FDS (or part thereof) since he died before the time of selection!"
To help clarify my reasoning on this subject, it should be understood that I was looking at things from the modern WTS point of view:
"'On arriving' to inspect the 'slave' in 1918, Christ found a spirit-anointed remnant of faithful disciples who since 1879 had been using this journal and other Bible-based publications to provide spiritual 'food at the proper time.' He acknowledged them as his collective instrument, or 'slave,' and in 1919 entrusted them with the management of all his earthly belongings." - Extract from "Loyal to Christ and His Faithful Slave", paragraph 5, page 22, of the 1 April 2007 Watch.
The WTS teaches that the 'belongings' over which the FDS is appointed refer to earthly things which are administered by the FDS while it is still on the earth. Therefore CTR could not (from the WTS's point of view) have been part of the appointed FDS since he was not alive at the time of appointment.
It could be argued that CTR was appointed posthumously and co-rules over the earthly belongings from heaven. But from the WTS point of view I don't think they regard the FDS as being anything other than an earthly entity which rules over the earthly belongs from earth, but maybe I'm wrong on this.
"You men already have your fill, do you? You are rich already, are you? You have begun ruling as kings without us, have you? And I wish indeed that you had begun ruling as kings, that we also might rule with you as kings." - 1 Corinthians 4:8 (NWT) -
Perhaps they are now going to say that anything that the WT printed before 1919 is not valid for criticism because the history of the FDS is only since 1919..?
Neat, huh!
Somebody should have told Rutherford and his fellow members of the FDS class. Note the year. And don't forget, this wasn't 'some' Bible Students' opinion or even 'many' Bible Students' opinion. It was official, 'incontrovertible' WTS teaching!
w. 1923 3/1 p. 67-8, 72, Loyalty the Test
5 The fact of our Lord's second coming is definitely settled by the Scriptures. (John 14: 2, 3; Acts 1: 11; 2 Timothy 4: 8) The Scriptures show that his second presence was due in 1874. (See C83-127.) Also it is definitely settled by his own words, that at the time of his second presence he would gird himself, cause his servants to sit down to meat, and would come forth and serve them. (Luke 12: 37) He also firmly establishes the fact that during his presence he would conduct a harvest work (Matthew 13: 18-40; 24: 31); and with equal force he states that at that time he would appoint some one to the office of that "faithful and wise servant" and make him ruler over all his goods. (Matthew 24: 45-47) These points are incontrovertible; therefore must be considered by all reasonable and fair-minded Christians as conclusively settled.
[ ...]
7 In connection with his presence and the harvest work, the office of that "faithful and wise servant" is important, and is made so by the Lord himself. The one who fills that office is made ruler over all the Lord's goods during the time of his incumbency in office. The office of that "faithful and wise servant" therefore is a part of the orderly manner in which the Lord carries on his work during his second presence. The office is of far greater importance than the individual who fills the office; for if the officer placed in the office should fail to fill it properly, the office would still exist, and the Lord could easily appoint or assign some one else to fill that
8 We believe that all who are now rejoicing in present truth will concede that Brother Russell faithfully filled the office of special servant of the Lord; and that he was made ruler over all the Lord's goods.
[ ... ]
48 If, then, we believe that the Lord is present, conducting his harvest work and the setting up of his kingdom; if he chose Brother Russell as his "faithful and wise servant" and made him ruler or overseer of his goods; and if Brother Russell, acting under the Lord's supervision, organized the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society as a vehicle or channel to carry on the proclamation of the message of his kingdom and the feeding of his sheep (thereby looking after the interests of his kingdom), then the conclusion must be that this is the Lord's way. After a careful and prayerful review of all the facts in the light of the Scriptures, can any consecrated, anointed follower of Jesus say that this is not the Lord's way? If this is not the Lord's way, then what is the Lord's way ? And if the Lord has any other way, that way should be made known, and that way all his followers should go.
49 If the way here pointed out is the Lord's way of carrying on his work, then fighting against it or repudiating it is fighting against or repudiating the Lord, because the way is not of man but of the Lord. We repeat, that failing or refusing to work (trade with talents) the Lord's way is disloyalty to the Lord. No one can justly take any offense at these conclusions,because it is not arrogating to any man or men any superiority, but is giving all the glory and honor to the Lord, who carries out his purposes in his own good and orderly way.
[Italics in original.] http://ia600304.us.archive.org/27/items/WatchtowerLibrary/magazines/w/w1923_E.pdf
St George of England
Perhaps they are now going to say that anything that the WT printed before 1919 is not valid for criticism because the history of the FDS is only since 1919..?
In view of their new 'on-line library' anything from before 2000 is not valid for criticism and considering the speed of doctrinal change, most of what they have printed since is also obsolete.