I got dissfellowshipped in 2009 .
Anybody From South Los Angeles Area ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Ventura County here.
@Mind-Blown - my family was in one of those congs until about a decade ago. Maybe you knew them back then??? (I just sent you a pm)
mind blown
Hi Wha...I was in Canoga 83-86.... WH 86-89....though I've been familiar with the WTS since very young due to my mom and Aunt...I really didn't get heavily involved til 83'
Hi Aude....maybe so....I was very regular @ meetings, etc.....
wha happened?
Then I may have seen u at a CA as I was in that circuit, from 1988-2001.
Mind blown, you have a PM.
wha happened?
Mind, I also sent u a PM
Pitchess Co-Gen
I just had to bump this thread because I know there are more people from the South L.A area that are on this site.