I think the most thoughtless thing they eva did to me...and it's rather embarrassing...is when I was still a jw at 14.
I'd just had an operation to remove a cyst and my left ovary due to polycystic ovarian syndrome. So I'm sitting at the District Convention and I get up to go and have lunch with my mum cause I was sitting with an sister a little older than me - in her 20's. So I start walking across the oval and there's people everywhere and I'm getting a few looks, but hey, I was a paranoid teen, they made me agoraphobic, so I didn't think too much of it. Ok, now this will gross out the boys but when I got to the other side of the oval, to my mum, she told me I had a huge patch of blood all over the back of my skirt, and I mean huge!!!!! It covered the whole back! I started to cry...no one had stopped me and warned me and I was so ashamed. Needless to say, the agoraphobia worsened and I started to have panic attacks in crowds!
Anyone else have a horrible personal experience of embarrassment?