Whats the cruelest thing a JW has eva done to you

by VioletAnai 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • VioletAnai

    I think the most thoughtless thing they eva did to me...and it's rather embarrassing...is when I was still a jw at 14.

    I'd just had an operation to remove a cyst and my left ovary due to polycystic ovarian syndrome. So I'm sitting at the District Convention and I get up to go and have lunch with my mum cause I was sitting with an sister a little older than me - in her 20's. So I start walking across the oval and there's people everywhere and I'm getting a few looks, but hey, I was a paranoid teen, they made me agoraphobic, so I didn't think too much of it. Ok, now this will gross out the boys but when I got to the other side of the oval, to my mum, she told me I had a huge patch of blood all over the back of my skirt, and I mean huge!!!!! It covered the whole back! I started to cry...no one had stopped me and warned me and I was so ashamed. Needless to say, the agoraphobia worsened and I started to have panic attacks in crowds!

    Anyone else have a horrible personal experience of embarrassment?

  • VioletAnai

    I can't believe I just told you that!!!!!!!!!

  • chezza

    You poor thing violet that was cruel, the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me was after i gave birth to my first child, she was in hospital because she was born 9 weeks prem, i was expressing my milk and taking it in to the hospital for her, we had to go to an assembly and everytime the babies would cry my breasts would start leaking, so i would have to go and change my nursing pads, in the end they wern't helping at all so i had to cut up some sanitary pads and use them instead as they were thicker, to cut a long story short not only did one fall out but my dress was so full of milk it turned to like cardboard and was stiff like starch and everyone could see, it was very embarrassing for me, and also emotional because everyone had their babies with them and all i had was soggy breasts and a cardboard dress.

  • Beans

    I was already out four years when this happened to me but I was working with this wanker! I was picking up and driving this guy to work every day so his wife could use his car to get to her work. Well one friday afternoon my truck broke down and we were working over an hour out of town. His wife came to pick him up where we were but they didn`t have enough room in there car for me because they were going somewhere and had some people with them. So I had to call my buddies to come and get me,needless to say that prick never got a ride from me again!


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Poor you Vi...I'm feeling anxieties just thinking about it. I once knew a sister who had that happened at the meeting...she burst into tears...poor cherub. But anyway...when the meeting was over..I saw her hunched over and cleaning the seat...geez I felt bad for her...and for you too Vi. I reckon I would have told you...there's no way I would have let anyone walk past without saying something...that's pretty slack alright.

    LOL@you Chezz...cardboard dresses are fashionable. I would have told you too...can't have all our husbands looking at your breasts now can we lol.

    I think that's a pretty mean thing to have happened to you Beans...thats one of the most unchristian things anyone could do...very uncharitable!!

    The meanest thing JW's have ever done to me turned out to be the kindest thing. A sister told a brother who told an elder that they had seen me with another man I still had not completed closure with my ex...so it sort of sped things up a bit.

    The thing that really p*ssed me off was that this sister saw me in a mall...she approached me and was talking all friendly etc...but I had no idea that she had been following me around for about 2 hrs...this was in a different town by the way. It came out later that she saw me with someone 'not' my husband...so she followed me..approached me..said nothing out of the ordinary...then rushed home and rang around a few friends [>:(]

    It turned out to be a kindest thing because I soon DA myself and moved away...and got a 'real' life. Hip Hip Hooray!!!!


  • Hmmm

    The cruelest?

    Some elder I didn't even know held my arms against my chest so they couldn't move. Then he dunked me under water until I was unable to breath. When he let me up he said something like "Congratulations, brother."


  • chezza

    Gee some people huh beck, and beans all i can say is what a bastard he was, oops i swore, gee i have to remember i am a lady.

  • Amazing

    Shortly after I was married ... maybe a week or two ... I was helping to load cooking equipment from the WTS warehouse to be hauled to our Circuit Assembly. It was getting late, and I wanted to call home to let my wife know what was going on and when I would be home. One brother - Appointed Servent ... started harassing me about being p-whipped, mama's boy, and lacking the family jewels to stand up to my overbearing wife ... and that this would be a concern in any future appoints regarding my progress if I did not get my wife back into subjection.

    Years later I told him how I felt about him before I left the organization ... the man made me sick ... but the worst part was that he really did hold this over me, and spread it around to other brothers.

    Following Bible principles, we will avoid trying to live - or demand others to live - by an extensive and rigid set of dos and don'ts that go beyond the teachings of the Bible. The Watchtower, 4-15-02, pg 22, pp 15

  • LB

    My mom had died a few months earlier, she was studying with witnesses at the time she died. I had just started to become inactive, missing more meetings than I was attending. Well a car group came by, the lady who studied with my mom told me I had better come back to meetings as she didn't want to be the one that had to tell my mom why I was dead.

    I was so pissed, I told her that she had judged 3 people that day and that was a dangerous thing to be doing. She judged me unworthly, herself and my mom worthy and that I thought Christ had that job already.

    We've never spoken since.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • terafera

    Wow LB..you go boy! I can't imagine (well I can), such a heartless person claiming to be Christian. How horrible.

    Beans, as usual,
    You made me crack up and pee my pants! How did you let that guy diss you? I mean, you give him rides and he doesnt return the favor? LOL Poor thing! But it made me laugh hard! LOL

    All the others, what sad stories.... some made me laugh but in the end, it's sad hearing how heartless and cruel these supposed 'Christians' are like. I have so many stories...it's hard picking just one.

    One was a sister taking me to her house after the Sunday meeting. I was about 12. I have blonde hair and freckles and I lamented how I hated my freckles and she said straight out,' You're not pretty, but you might be considered cute one day.' I just stared at her. Now I am not being mean....but she looked like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, only worse. I then realized how cruel someone could be, out of spite, insecurity, or just plain stupidity. What a dumb thing to say!

    Another time I liked an ultra spiritual boy (we're talking Jesus material here). I told some sisters I had the hots for him and they said, 'Geez, he is so spiritual, he could have anyone...why would he pick you? You're not even a pioneer!" That just killed me.... I figured out quickly that 'status' was measured by how many hours you put in and who you knew.

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