I was thinkin lately about the use of titles and how they can be problematic such as the ones used on here such as jedi member,emperor class etc.Think why r these titles put into effect is it maybe to encourage others to stay committed to Jw.com and thus strive for a better title or prominence or even to the advantage of the owner of this website to remain loyal to the website and to keep the number of visitors high.You see if any of you who are previous witnesses well know how the use of titles can serve to no advantage titles only cause envy,division,etc "thats what i think"
Jw.com and titles?
by master chief 17 Replies latest jw friends
I agree but in this day and age everyone is categorised, labelled and filed without further thought.
Black, white, man, female, french, german, welsh, blue eyes, green eyes, blonde, brunette, egg lover, allergic to the little white bastards! The list is endless. It only causes a problem when people use those destinctions to discriminate against or to be prejudiced for their own selfish reasons.
I have an aboriginal friend who can't get past the black/white issue. I keep telling her, hey girl, we're from the same race, the human one. I've got two arms, two legs and a heartbeat, there ain't much difference from me to you. There's thousands of types of apples in the world, but they don't each have a different name (except for the region they come from), we still refer to them as APPLES! It's just cause one may be green, one pink, one red, and one multi - still tastes like a damn apple to me. It's the same as humans, might be, black, white, red, yellow, or pokka-dotted for all I care!!!! Our biggest mistake was making distinctions and trying to find a place in a world where it's norm to be part of a group, and not an individual!!! Ahhhhh, that makes me so mad!
Sorry for rambling.
HAHAHA, I am SOOOOOOO superior to you. I laugh at the chaos I involve you in with my deplorable title-displaying!!!
It's just a title on a website, folks, it means NOTHING.
Well, with a name like Master Chief, one can see why titles might hold special importance to you!
Excuse me as I bow down before the altar of JW.com...
Nah, just joking around with you. I really don't think those titles are of any significance. Lots of boards use labels to indicate how much you've posted. I wouldn't worry to much about it.
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
Yes. When I apply for a new job, I can tell them that I was a JW Elder and a Jedi on JW.com!!! Why yes, this will really get me places. I think of it as all in fun. In a religion where you have organizational authority, titles mean something ... but on an Internet forum ... why, how can Amazing the Jedi really matter?
Following Bible principles, we will avoid trying to live - or demand others to live - by an extensive and rigid set of dos and don'ts that go beyond the teachings of the Bible. The Watchtower, 4-15-02, pg 22, pp 15
LOL @ Amazing
@ Violet -
If you are an ass it doesn't make ant difference what title you have. You are still an ass.
You have just posted more asinine comments than the newbie.Hell is truth seen too late. H.G.Adams
I guess its so you can tell sh*t from clay...nah just kidding!! Jedi posters aren't really sh*t
I would have thought titles like the following, and in the following order would be inappropriate:
return visit
bible student
unbaptised publisher
auxhilary pioneer
regular pioneer
special pioneer
ministerial servant
presiding overseer
circuit overseer
district overseer
governing bodyI don't know where to put bethelite & Gildead Schoolite...there are probably more...who cares!!
Hey reckless, who are you talking to there, charley?