Someone, in his zeal to stoop as low and mean as possible, uses a phrase he does not know the meaning of - 'rump sprung.'
Obamas vs Romneys
by InquiryMan 61 Replies latest social current
'I thought Michelles dress made her look like she has a big, rump sprung, bovine hieny. Oh, wait a minute....'
Yabbut, how votes is it worth? A lot, i bet, from a certain wave length of the color spectrum;)
And then there was the moderator, Candy "Don King" Crowley who gave Barry 12 extra minutes.
yep, I bet it claps too!
Like Howard Cosell and Muhamud Ali - LOL
I love it when folks player hater a black woman's backside.
I saw Michelle Obama give a speech on Monday. I think she is a well proportioned woman and very fit on television---but in person she is even more slender. How anyone could start on her butt is beyond me---not on television, and certainly not in person. There is simply no level too low for Obama haters---they just hate them. Everything about them. Nothing will ever be up to any standard.
Some lyrics come to mind...
" Oh, my, god. Becky, look at her butt.
It is so big. [scoff] She looks like,
one of those rap guys' girlfriends.
But, you know, who understands those rap guys? *scoff*
They only talk to her, because,
she looks like a total prostitute, 'kay?
I mean, her butt, is just so big.
I can't believe it's just so round, it's like,
out there, I mean - gross. Look!
She's just so ... black!" -
rather be in hades
I love it when folks player hater a black woman's backside.
people hate what they can't handle ;)
A wife buys a new dress, and after excitedly putting it on, she asks her husband, "Does this dress make my butt look big"???
The husband responds, "Of course not, honey. Your butt makes your butt look big"!!!