The reason for my delay......

by EndofMysteries 82 Replies latest watchtower beliefs



    I`m a non believer..But I do know..

    Christians consider Jesus the only door..

    You can get rid of your 49 other doors if you want to be a Christian..

    It`s not complicated at all..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • tornapart

    EoM. I think you are taking this far too seriously and it will damage your health. I'm sure God wouldn't give that kind of responsibilty to just one person. (Unless he was a prophet).

    Jesus said the Holy Spirit would be our guide. For each individual one of us. There are many that don't believe in God these days. You can't take it on yourself to try and make them believe again. It's their choice and they should be allowed that freedom. Suddenly showing them something new isn't going to make them change. For believers, most will already be happy with what they already believe and won't think for one minute that what you say is from God. (Any more than we believe it from the GB).

    Look at these things for yourself, if that's what you want to do and share it if you want but please don't become burdened by it so that it affects your health, mentally, emotionally and physically.

    Please, think carefully.

  • shamus100

    It is complicated, Outlaw! >:O IT'S VERY COMPLICATED!!!!

    Christian Love,


  • LostGeneration
  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Meh, I'm not reading the novel, but waiting for the movie version....

  • Satanus

    Hindus believe that all doors lead to god. Some doors are more direct than others are. So, pick any door, any door at all.


  • jgnat
  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Stick with the first door you pick, and don't let Monty Hall (who was a member of the Illiterati) talk you out of it!

  • frankiespeakin

    Don't commit yourself EOM, take your time think it thru alway and a void dinfinative statements which may lock your choices. And I hope you find the answer to everything for yourself. But the danger is when you feel you absolutely know the truth, thinking gets all tangled up, so stay flexiable leave room for further revelation from the "Self" and a void ego inflation by not taking every thing litteral and look deeper than the surface for understanding and a possible reorganization of your psyche.



    Christians need to have faith in Jesus..

    As an agnostic I don`t have any faith at all..

    My favorite door is the refigerator door..

    Thats where the food and cold beer is..

    .................................. ...OUTLAW

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