I have been searching several exjw sites and can't find it, but I swear I remember seeing a letter on medical marijuana posted once. Atlantis, EE, Cedars, anyone? If this can be reposted or a link put up I'd be greatful.
Medical Marijuana, wasn't there a WT letter?
by puffthedragon 27 Replies latest watchtower medical
*** g01 11/8 p. 30 From Our Readers ***
Marfan’sSyndrome In the article "Coping With Marfan’s Syndrome—When Joints Dislocate" (February 22, 2001), Michelle says that she takes morphine daily. How can an addictive drug be used by a Christian?
S. D., United States
It would be wrong for a Christian to sue drugs simply for the thrills or fo the highs they produce. However, one who accepts a painkilling narcotic under the direction of a physician because of some medical problem could hardly be called a thrill seeker. Of course, even in circumstances like that, a Christian must weigh the possibility of addition and other harmful side effects from taking such a medication.—ED.
g01 7/8 p.9 Drug Abuse—There Is an Answer! ***How Safe Is Marijuana?
A number of countries are considering legalizing marijuana, mainly for medicinal use. The drug has been found to alleviate the nausea caused by chemotherapy, and it evidently helps AIDS sufferers to overcome loss of appetite. It has also been used as a pain reliever.
While there is disagreement about the results of research findings, tests that were reported on in New Scientist magazine have established some of the harmful effects of marijuana.
A Harvard University test compared a group who smoked marijuana daily with a group who used it less often. They found little difference on standard mental tests. However, on one test dealing with adaptability, the heavy marijuana users scored much lower.
Another university tested a group of regular marijuana smokers and a group of cigarette smokers, over a period of 15 years. The marijuana smokers usually had three or four joints a day, while the cigarette smokers had 20 or more cigarettes a day. Equal numbers from both groups suffered from coughing and bronchitis. Examination of the lungs revealed similar cell damage in both groups.
Although the marijuana smokers indulged much less often, it was found that a single joint releases three times as much tar as a cigarette. Furthermore, New Scientist reported: "Marijuana smokers inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer."
In addition, immune cells from the lungs of the marijuana smokers were found to be 35 percent less capable of fighting bacteria than were cells from the cigarette smokers.
keyser soze
There was, but someone smoked it.
Theocratic Sedition
You can smoke in fractions. A pound a week is unacceptable, but a 1/2 pound seedless is ok.
With tobacco, does the WTS consider it "wrong" just if you smoke it or is "chewing" tobacco just as bad in their eyes? Thus in this case "smoking" the issue with the WTS.
*** w84 6/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
Even if someone regularly smoked cigarettes made from another plant—be it marijuana, lettuce, corn or something else—inhaling smoke day after day is unnatural. Do you not agree that inhaling any smoke regularly would pollute the lungs and likely could imperil one’s health? So whether the smoke be from tobacco, marijuana, or some sort of nicotineless cigarettes, smoking simply is inappropriate for people who want to live in accord with the counsel at 2 Corinthians 7:1.—Compare Romans 12:1.
What about electronic cigarettes? Or, what if you are vaping MJ instead of smoking it?
ECigs contain Nicotine.... Watchtower June 1, 1973 13 "The drug . . . that causes the addiction is nicotine. . . . Within a minute or two after a person ‘takes a drag’ on a cigarette, nicotine is present in the brain. But 20 to 30 minutes after the ‘last drag,’ most of the nicotine has left the brain for other organs . . . . This is just about the time when the smoker needs another cigarette. . . . When there is no nicotine, the body ‘hungers’ for it. So much so that the body sometimes becomes ‘sick’ without it. Withdrawalsymptoms—a sick feeling—begin. . . . Some of these symptoms are drowsiness, headaches, stomach upsets, sweating, and irregular heart beats." 14 Even worldly governments have been moved to issue serious warnings against the danger of tobacco use. Do, then, persons who have not broken their addiction to tobacco qualify for baptism? 15 The Scriptural evidence points to the conclusion that they do not. As has been explained in other issues of this magazine, the Greek word phar·ma·ki´a used by Bible writers and translated "practice of spiritism" or "spiritistic practices" has the initial meaning of "druggery." (Gal. 5:20; Rev. 9:21) The term came to refer to spiritistic practices because of the close connection between the use of drugs and spiritism. Tobacco was also used initially by the American Indians in this way. It can properly be placed, therefore, in the category of addictive drugs like those that provided the source for the Greek term phar·ma·ki´a.
They frown upon on anything that can help you relax.
"Now is not the time to take it easy brother, we'll have plenty of time for that in the new system."
rather be in hades
this is why brownies are better