Lets say you meet with a JC and in the midst of it you snap because you feel intimidated or bullied and start swinging chairs at the heads and limbs of elders and actually break bones or send one into a coma or worse accidentally kill one of them. You think they would press charges? Think they would be advised by legal to keep it quiet to avoid negative publicity? You as the attacker could be quite vocal if interviewed. Could identify the JC process of JWs as secretive and unjust. Could do quite some damage and stir up some dirty issues the WT would rather see unexposed. I think WT would want it silenced and you just got some free unpunishable licks on some company men!
Would a JC turned violent get any publicity or covered up?
by Lied2NoMore 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals
It may hit local media. Prosecution would commence as with any other random crime. RayPublishers meek and mild tempered approach is the most effective I think. Getting an ass whooping or being martyred by death only reinforces the persecution complex of JWs.
wha happened?
I was in one that was about a hair from turning violent. Back when i was a good little dub, I ratted out a huge party scene. I was sitting right accross from a brother who was obviously very pissed off at me. He hand was shaking as he pointed it at me, telling me that the day I stop going to meetings, he's coming after me. I looked at him and said, "What's stopping u now?" (I grew up in the ghetto so getting into a brawl with a no nothing like him would have been easy). Right then, two of the brothers in the room stood up and got between us. If it was just the elders, who avg 60 years old, it would have been on.
My ultimate wish would be to see the WT sued into non existence but so many say they can't be touched legally. Next best option in my mind is to fight tyranny with violence and make sure it gets publicity. I have been asked multiple times by elders to meet with me because they are worried about me and want to encourage me. I always answer "no" but they keep pressing. I'm getting so sick of them asking last time one asked I said if they can't respect my wishes things will turn violent...and I meant it. BTW I am taller and broader than most football linemen so intimidation works well when I need it to.
Because of the tremendous damage and heartache they cause in so many peoples' lives, I am actually shocked that there are not more cases where a person at a JC goes "postal" on the three interogators.
As the Society continues to ramps up its hard-ass aproach on issues, I would not be surprised to see the inquisitions turn more violent.
So how would a jw with that severe of injuries get treated without EMS/EMT or a hospital/clinic being involved and their not reporting the suspicious aspect of the situation to law enforcement? It's not like EMT/EMS can't tell the difference between an accident and an attack. It would not just be the victim's choice to press charges either.
I do know of a case where 2 elders got into it...that was hushed up...not completely because I know.
Lets say you meet with a JC and in the midst of it you snap because you feel intimidated or bullied and start swinging chairs at the heads and limbs of elders and actually break bones or send one into a coma or worse accidentally kill one of them.
I could not stop laughing when I read this.
(I grew up in the ghetto so getting into a brawl with a no nothing like him would have been easy)...If it was just the elders, who avg 60 years old, it would have been on.
LOL...that was extremely funny too ! anyone got any more hero stories?
When I first read the thread title, I thought it was about uber-dub elders losing their shit and assaulting the "plaintiff", maybe because he could successfully refute their assertions or whatever.
In a case like that, if it were 20 years ago, they'd sweep it. Nowadays, though, they wouldn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of keeping it quiet.
Desirous of Change - "As the Society continues to ramp up its hard-ass aproach on issues, I would not be surprised to see the inquisitions turn more violent."
That had never occurred to me, but you may be right. Can't help but wonder if that was an additional consideration in the slight adjustment to the "so-and-so is no longer" announcement, or if its related to reports of elders requesting known faders to write a DA letter...
Either way, I'm (strangely) hoping that the "inquisitions" do turn more violent, while at the same time, hoping they won't. I'm having trouble picking at the moment.