Climbing the corporate ladder at congregations

by master chief 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    My brother-in-law had a 'campaign' to become an elder, even walking along the concourse at an assembly singing "Louis for an elder ... Louis for an elder".

    He then started to invite the presiding overseer round for dinner despite talking badly about him in private and voila ... he's made an elder!

    One of the things that convinced me it wasn't the truth - you could not imagine a less qualified person to be an elder or someone who was more obviously in it because he wanted 'power' (especially after he took over his fathers business, closed it down and had no staff to boss around)

    Oh, that holy spirit is easily fooled isn't it!?

  • cornish

    Remember the Circuit visits,when all those creeps who thought they stood a chance of promotion would arrange to work with the Circuit Overseer on door to door,laugh at his jokes and even the wives would get in on the act by having him for tea,holy sprit at work ,eh!

  • plmkrzy

    This cracks me up.
    The new high school was built a block away from our house, When I was still in school I would tell the new kids my dad was mob. They would say "Yah right" then they would see these men coming out of my house fairly often always in suits. They believed it.

  • LittleToe

    I never had time to volunteer, after appointment.
    I worked my socks off, and no matter how many little old sisters I tried to visit, there were always many more.

    The assignments changed, and the workload increased.
    In over three years as the TMS Overseer, I only once had to stand in myself, and only had to call on others five times (unusual, huh?).
    I was more impressed by ones that kept their assignments, or warned me early, than those who stood in.


    I went from 22 (reaching out for 19) to 80 (96 to some).

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