Well I say the same condition for life evolving are relatively repeated over and over again in perhpas billions of solar systems with different combinations of chemical reactions producing all kind of self replicating molecules not just carbon based or DNA based. Many stars having a much earlier formation and intelligent life much more before our earth was formed billions of years ago.
Are We the Only Life in this vast Galaxy?
by frankiespeakin 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
Of course not. ;)
If you want to get some perspective on our and other universe's, get exo-planet (an apple app). It's amazing. :)
I think that thinking we are the only life is the same type of thinking that thinking we are the center of the universe and that the sun goes around the earth.
I'm thinking the same thing. No doubt our own imagination is very limited to even begin to touch on the perhaps unlimited possiblites for life in it's many diversified forms and adaptions to condition through natural selection..
It's fun to speculate,
But it's sad the human race may never know if there's life out there. Even at the speed of light our Galaxy is immense!
If there's any kind of life out there we have better chance of finding it our own solar system.
Good news / bad news...
Due to the vast size of the universe and the number of stars in it, there is virtually a mathematical certainty that there is life on millions, maybe billions, of other planets. The probability is extraordinarily high that there is sentient life with intelligence as great or greater than our own.
However, also due to the vast size of the universe, the chances of us ever crossing paths is about 1 in eleventy bazillion.
Unless they know something we don't know.
I've had conversations with my hubby on this topic. I say HOW THE HECK can you say there isn't other life out there? JWs are taught that because of the issue of universal sovereignty being played out on this planet, there couldn't be life on other planets. Pfffft. My husband says Jehovah created this vast universe with countless billions of stars and who knows how many other planets so that they could be for ours and the angels enjoyment. That is, IMO ridiculous. To say that we are the only planet that has life in this mind-bogglingly vast universe is so small-minded. Hubby won't consider the possibility because it messes with his Watchtower view. Can't have that, can we?
King Solomon
Interesting question, but just remember that we've not even discovered all species living on OUR Planet yet, and are destroying the habitat of life forms without even bothering to think about what we are eliminating....
It's a shame that some recently discovered life form in SE Asia had the bad luck to be found on OUR Planet: if only they'd had the good fortune to be on Mars, there'd be headlines given to the "alien" life forms, and concerns for protecting them.
Are We the Only Life in this vast Galaxy?
Life in the broad sense?
I really doubt it.
Less than a century after learning that the Milky Way isn't the only galaxy in the universe, we now know that there are hundreds of billions of them (and trillions of dwarf galaxies*).
*Dwarf galaxies are small galaxies containing up to a few billion stars (compared with several hundred billion in the Milky Way galaxy).
So just think how much we have to learn during the next century.
The visible universe within 14 billion light years:
Superclusters in the visible universe = 10 million
Galaxy groups in the visible universe = 25 billion
Large galaxies in the visible universe = 350 billion
Dwarf galaxies in the visible universe = 7 trillion
Stars in the visible universe = 30 billion trillion (3x10²²)