I would like to use this thread as a means of organizing all unanswered questions/points made on threads I started since obviously I could not answer something when I was banned.
Questions/Points That Went Unanswered
by Still Recovery 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
nanananana is back I see.
Hi Recovery. How is your ministry proceeding this month? Your new Avatar gave me a chuckle. Like a 10 armed wild beast with 4 all seeing eyes. AND the feet of a DUCK!
I look forward to the discussions. I hope someday you can tell us the significance behind "Recovery" and your strong desire to retain it as a moniker.
He's baaack!
Did your OlinMoyle41 account get banned?..
If not you have 2 accounts again..
OlinMoyle41 was a much better name. It's hard to take someone seriously when they're THIS obsessed with the word "Recovery".
What are you trying to accomplish?
Captain Obvious
If I were to make a list, it would be compiled by going through the numerous threads that were started with questions for you to answer. Perhaps you could do that yourself? You have an account now... Just remember why you were banned in the first place.
im not sure what your motivation is for coming here, but honestly... I glad you are. SOME of your arguments are some of the best I have seen from a true believer. I'm confident you would be at least as capable as my local elders to answer questions. Difference is, you can't DF me for asking them. I haven't asked you anything personally, but I do like to browse your threads.
However you do have people here a little on edge, and your ARROGANCE is so tiring. You talk down to people while making irrelevant or fallacious arguments. You may see us a bird food, you may be looking for answers to your own questions... Who knows.
I, for one, am glad that you aren't as intellectually lazy as most Dubs.
I look forward to the day the scales fall from your eyes, and the house of cards falls down for you as it has for so m any of us on here. The true ex-JW Recovery will be a great asset to the board when it happens!
Yes I say that definitely, because it is the only like possibility if you keep coming here. You know it's true... Just let it happen.
Still Recovery
I didn't like the name Olin Moyle, as I really do not know much about him, other than he's a popular topic on many JW forums. I like Recovery better because it describes this kind of 'refining' process I'm going through right now in my life.
Thanks for the comments and the sarcasm and the insults. It's good to be back.
your no more likely to answer the questions that countless posters posed for you now then you did back then , and you know full well you wont. So are we onto account number 6,7,? which contravenes forum rules. We have you worked out now Recovery you are here for one purpose only and that is to wind folks up.