LOL. Now if Michio Kaku can devise an equation to predict what is said in Wibble, that might unlock the secret to the cosmos.
Leolaia, only the Cosmic Wibble Cat knows this secret and she is not saying.
by frankiespeakin 39 Replies latest jw friends
LOL. Now if Michio Kaku can devise an equation to predict what is said in Wibble, that might unlock the secret to the cosmos.
Leolaia, only the Cosmic Wibble Cat knows this secret and she is not saying.
Leolaia, only the Cosmic Wibble Cat knows this secret and she is not saying.
Has anyone suggested putting Wibble Cat in a box with a vial of toxic gas in it, and threatening to look inside? Trust me: she'll talk if she knows what's good for her....
Strange Loop:
A strange loop, technically called tangled hierarchy consciousness, arises when, by moving only upwards or downwards through a hierarchical system, one finds oneself back where one started.
Strange loops may involve self-reference and paradox. The concept of a strange loop was proposed and extensively discussed by Douglas Hofstadter in Gödel, Escher, Bach, and is further elaborated in Hofstadter's book I Am a Strange Loop, published in 2007.
A tangled hierarchy is a hierarchical consciousness system in which a strange loop appears.
Self-reference leads to paradox.
A good bible example comes to mind (as far as self-reference is concerned) which is "All scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for...blah blah blah.."
The world of christianity automatically assumes something here which by no means is self-evident fact. This description is assumed to BE SCRIPTURE.
Were it so it would be self-referential in the extreme. Essentially: What I am writing is automatically true.
A statement which refers to ITSELF is "meta". A mirror reflecting a mirror reflecting a mirror reflecting a.....
In the ancient world only those nations who came into contact with Greek thought (Aristotle) had a glimpse of LOGIC.
The East was devoid of the "law of the excluded middle". (A statement is either true or it is not.)
Remarkably, the absence of Aristotle's law of the excluded middle meant "great thinkers" and philosophers embraced the illogic of
It is easy to see why the Western world developed Science while the East remained ignorant of it.
Before LOGIC and the law of the excluded middle became widely absorbed into everyday thought people were captivated by just about any damned thing that sounded good regardless of its self-contradictions!
The beginning of the Renaissance was the death knell for the iron grip of superstition (and religious blindness).
Jehovah's Witnesses have tried to pretend to use logical thinking to make their study in the doctrines of scripture superior to christendom at large.
Unfortunately, scripture is not objective reality and only harmonizes with itself INTERPRETIVELY.
This is why so many adjustments (new light) become necessary. Reality keeps intruding to falsify its claims!!
The Cosmic Cat agrees with Terry.
I should have been pithy and I wasn't.
Using scripture to interpret scripture is automatically self-reference which leads to Fallacy!
The second you employ scripture to understand scripture you introduce fallacious thinking into your "comprehension".
Religion is self-contradiction or merely dissonance with reality. Automatically!
The Hawking Paradox: