I recently bought Geza Vermes new book, Christian Beginnings-from Nazareth to Nicaea, AD 30-325, I thought it may useful for a study unit I want to take next year, on the topic of Early Christian writings. These documents, such as The Shepherd of Hermas, help us to appreciate what early Christians really believed and also provide details of their behaviour(s).
Vermes*, as well as being extremely knowledgeable on the subject of the Dead Sea Scrolls, is regarded scholastically, as one of the world's leading Jesus scholars.
So to the point of this thread: On page 106 of my hardcover, Allen Lane/Penguin, 2012 edition of this book, Vermes commences analysing The Status of Christ in the Pauline Religion, and under that sub-heading he concludes that in (authentic) Pauline theology, the son always occupies an inferior position, and draws on Paul's writings to support his position. On pages 111,112 he lists texts to demonstrate that Paul directed his prayers to God alone, and "never to Jesus!"
As end of semester approaches I have not the time to read analytically the Letters attributed to Paul, in the Bible, so I thought I'd ask here whether anyone can recall a text that has Paul praying to Jesus?
* Note: His early scholastic training was as a Catholic priest, but he later left the church and converted to Judaism.