This is a quote from the book Continue Follow Me:
15 We can be sure that the King is angry when he sees the lovelessness that prevails on the earth today. We might recall how the Pharisees criticized Jesus for performing cures on the Sabbath. They were so hard-hearted, so set in their ways, that they could not see past their own narrow interpretation of the Mosaic Law and the oral law. Jesus’ miracles did good beyond measure! But the joy, the relief, the strengthening of faith that such miracles brought about meant nothing to those men. How did Jesus feel about them? He once looked “around upon them with indignation, being thoroughly grieved at the insensibility of their hearts.”— Mark 3:5 .
Hmm...sounds good. But wait a minute! Let's back up a few paragraphs:
11 Many today who call themselves Christians might find those words puzzling. Why would Jesus direct such strong words to people who have been performing “many powerful works” in his name? The churches of Christendom have sponsored charities, aided the poor, built hospitals and schools, and performed many other works. To see why they have earned Jesus’ anger, consider an illustration.
12 A father and mother need to go on a trip. They cannot take their children along, so they hire a babysitter. Their instructions to her are simple: “Take care of our children. Feed them, make sure they are clean, and keep them from harm.” When the parents return, though, they are shocked to see that their children are famished. They are dirty, sickly, and miserable. They are crying for the babysitter’s attention, but their cries go unheeded. Why? She is up on a ladder, washing the windows. Furious, the parents demand an explanation. The sitter replies: “Look at all that I did! Aren’t the windows clean? I made repairs to the house too, all for you!” Would the parents feel better? Hardly! They never asked her to do those jobs; they just wanted their children cared for. Her refusal to heed their instructions would infuriate them.
13 Christendom has acted like that babysitter. Jesus left instructions with his representatives to feed people spiritually by teaching them the truth of God’s Word and helping them to be spiritually clean. (John 21:15-17) Yet, Christendom has dismally failed to obey his direction. She has left people spiritually starved, confused by falsehoods and ignorant of basic Bible truths. (Isaiah 65:13; Amos 8:11) Even her attempts to better this world can hardly excuse her willful disobedience. After all, this world system is like a house that is slated for demolition! God’s Word makes it clear that Satan’s world system is soon to be destroyed.—1 John 2:15-17.
Hmm...but James 1:26, 27 says, "If any one does think to be religious among you, not bridling his tongue, but deceiving his heart, of this one vain [is] the religion; religion pure and undefiled with the God and Father is this, to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation -- unspotted to keep himself from the world. "
And Matthew 25:34-36 & 40 says, "Then shall the king say to those on his right hand, Come you, the blessed of my Father, inherit the reign that has been prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I did hunger, and you gave me to eat; I did thirst, and you gave me to drink; I was a stranger, and you received me; naked, and you put around me; I was infirm, and you looked after me; in prison I was, and you came unto me..." And the king answering, shall say to them, Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as you did [it] to one of these my brethren -- the least -- to me you did [it]."
So-called "Christendom" would likely says, "Sorry, Jesus, I was doing what your brother James was telling us, I didn't know that made me worse than Hitler! Sorry I fed the poor! And all that stuff about feeding the poor, helping the infirm...I didn't know that meant knock on doors and giving out magazines."
I have to say, even before learning about 607 BC, before seeing the hardness of elder's hearts, and so forth, this material in the Book Study stunned me and gave me pause for thought. Really, substitute Watchtower Society for Christendom, and I believe we will get closer to the truth of the matter. Talk about narrow interpretation!