When You Were A JW Were You Disturbed By "Apostate" Literature or "Apostates" At Conventions?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Glander

    Man on the Moon weekend. I recall leaving Dodger Stadium with my family in the car. As we left the parking lot, bumper to bumper, there were several anti-Watchtower pickets. My recollection of my reaction was that it was all part of the persecution we kept hearing about but had not really experienced. Now we had.

    I think demonstrations are counterproductive. I understand the outrage of some passionate ex-JW's, one of whom, Danny Hazard, probably encouraged more Witnesses to stay in than were baptized during the same time period.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Prior to the internet, apostate literature was an urban legend to me. Hell, apostates were an urban legend to me prior to the internet.

  • minimus

    Glanders, I agree. I wonder how Danny is doing.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    I LOVED reading the signs. I've always be rebellious, and it was something I could do that I couldn't get in trouble for. I seem to remember that the "apostates" used to come everday to our conventions, but more recently it's only been Saturday or Sunday. When they wouldn't be there, as a kid, I would get disappointed.

    I remember my cousin telling me about silly apostates at his convention. They were just yelling "Don't read the Watchtower" from their loudspeakers. Not really effective... But I remember wishing they were at my convention.

    The funny thing that I remember as an adult about the signs is that I just didn't consider them. I saw all the dates and such, but I never though "What really happened in 1925?"

  • oldlightnewshite

    I remember seeing them as a teenager and wondering about all the dates crossed through on their signs. They used to hand out literature (or try to) right outside the footy ground. I always used to smile at them and say stuff like 'now you KNOW I can't accept any of that stuff'. Some were a bit wild-eyed and loopy looking, but seemed harmless enough. I never liked how my fellow dubs were snotty to them, that's why I used to talk to them. They never said anything that made me think though. Later on in life, I never changed. I continued to share some friendly banter. I would get some comments from other dubs like 'you shouldn't be talking to them, brother'. Well, no shit? I never knew that!

    I'm disappointed none of them managed to spoon me out of that crackpot religion by saying anything thought provoking.

  • biometrics

    As a kid I was always curious when out in the field work why the adults would suddenly run/walk away when somone wanted to show them a pamphlet.

    Then there were demonstrations at the hall training brothers to treat "Apostate" literature like nuclear waste.

  • minimus

    They were all disgruntled Rutherfordites.

  • moshe

    I never saw any disgruntled ex-JWs at any WT conventions- in 16 years, not one sign or protester, or flyer or banner about the lying WT Corp came to my attention.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    The loud ones scared me as a child, remember how inculcated the young ones are.

  • yknot

    When I was a little girl I was told they were demon possessed (apostate and Christendom protesters)......total acceptance of that explanation.

    They scared me....

    I could see some fun in placing literature on windowshields while the Convention was going but that is probably only possible if a secondary event is being hosted by the venue.......at least it would give the Brothers monitoring the parking lot something interesting to do besides patrol around in golfcarts....heck the finding of said literature would get a few extra MS or younger Brothers out of the Convention to help remove the literature....a few would read I am sure and it would create some interesting storytelling/rumor.......rest will be chalked up to 'persecution'

    I am never gonna be that bold......but if anyone does a stunt like that I soooo want pics posted on JWN!!!!

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