After the annual pioneer meeting a pioneer couple from my hall that never usually gave me the time of day invited me out with the DO and the CO our PO also came.
I was young and a new mom but happy to be included. They (The Big shots)chose a very expensive restaurant and all added wine to the bill. They never even talked to me the entire time except when the DO heard I was a mom. He looked at me and just asked, "How old are you?" In an accusing tone. Well I was 24 but I did look teenage ish. Still he didn't mind that I was paying for his drinks before that. After I answered him he did not say a word back but went on talking to the more important people.
After dinner there were no thanks yous of any kind. Not even a nice to meet you. They just left us with the bill. this was after a day of hearing talks on keeping your life simple and how materialism was the enemy of pioneers.
go figure.