Whitney Heichel's body found on Larch Mt., man charged in murder

by trujw 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BlindersOff1

    Delusional member of a cult kills someone. What a HUGE surprise. Decades of self delusion can cause real mental health consiquenses .

    Considering the current rampup of crazy cult speak from the GB is it any surprise some Witnesses are acting out.

    Hate speach can actually effect peoples actions.

    But Oh I forgot they are Gods ONLY channel . SO this must not of actually happened.


    Does this guy have a record?

  • fakesmile

    i completely agree with cap. schmideo. the situation sucks and it is VERY sad. but where were the 2 angels to frighten the attacker? jehovah, the absentee father. it is a shame that this will not wake witlesses up. i wonder how many times she prayed.

  • Acluetofindtheuser

    It is so sad to hear she was murdered. I really want to know why he needed to take her life. Was he a former boyfriend?

    I remember hearing a talk at the KH where an elder said Jehovah would not interfere with human affairs unless it was directly related to his outworking purpose.

  • Tylinbrando

    This is not allegation or propogation of rumor. It is speculation and the same avenue that law enforcement is taking as I type.


    Nothing official has been released about motive or Holt's background.

    Let's assume Holt's Parent's neighbors are right that Holt was a JW.

    It seems ABC News has stretched the story and claimed Holt was in the same congregation as Hiechel.

    Why are none of the Jehovah's Witnesses in the area validating those claims but instead refuting them on discussion boards and comment threads?
    ... Why are there no pictures of Holt and his wife on Hiechel's Facebook page? Wouldn't couples that lived so close together and from the same congregation spend photographic moments together and be close friends?

    Something isnt adding up.

    Let's assume there is truth to the claim Holt was in Hiechel's congregation.

    In my mind there is only one motive. Holt and Hiechel had an affair. It may have been spontaneous and a one time event or a continuous liason living so close together. Heichel felt guilty and wanted to approach the elders, Holt was violently opposed to the idea and made certain Heichel could not approach the elders for a confession of the affair.

    Carrying it even further, Hiechel may have been pregnant with Holt's child. After all starting a family was on her bucket list and Husband wasn't for it. The guilt from the affair and pregnancy could have been too much for Hiechel to carry. She needed to confess to the Elders.

    Holt could not allow that to happen because it would jeapordize his marriage and reputation as a JW.....

    No wonder Holt is on suicide watch



    "Vaughn(Jehovah's Witness family spokesman most likely the COBE) declined to comment on accusations against Holt, who is a Jehovah's Witness and was acquainted with both the Heichels, possibly through Jehovah's Witness gatherings, investigators said. Several small congregations of around 100 people each meet at different times in the same Kingdom Hall."

  • EntirelyPossible

    So.... you're just making shit up?

  • Tylinbrando


    These are his wedding pictures inside the Kingdom Hall.. (Thank you ARWEN)

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • moshe

    I remember that carload of JWs in Texas (out in service) who drowned when their car crashed into a lake-- I wonder how the elders put a, jehoover loves you, spin on that accident at their memorial services.

  • Darth Rutherford
    Darth Rutherford

    This story just keeps breaking my heart. Holt has confessed and revealed some of the details...


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