self worship

by gravedancer 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • gravedancer

    I swear by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

    I own one life -- mine -- in prison or out, in sickness or destitution or whatever else happens next.

    Human sacrifice is evil no matter who its beneficiary is, whether you sacrifice yourself to others or others to yourself. Man — every man — is an end in himself.

    This god, this one word: I.

  • gravedancer

    Whether you claim to worship some spirit God or really, like me, actually worship yourself (even if you deceive yourself into thinking otherwise).

  • cellomould

    Yeah, gd,

    And it is rarely in your self-interest to kill another person anyhow....It just doesn't make sense.

    I think 'evil' could be replaced with 'extremely illogical'

    But yes, it is ridiculous to think you can control whether another person lives. Because you cannot. Murder does not erase another person's value and it only brings their death a little sooner than natural.


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • Satanus

    Amen, brother! Before someone can love any one else, he MUST love himself.


  • gravedancer

    When others claim to worship some spirit God - what is really happening?

    They are either doing it for self preservation - afraid that the loving creator will kill them.


    They do it because it gives THEM hope or purpose (perhaps makes THEM feel good inside)- a mental/emotional response but still a selfish one.

    I am not being critical of any individual, just seeing things for what they are.

  • Carmel


    That's a typical JW type statement. What you are seeing is what you "percieve" reality to be for yourself then rojecting your values and motives on all of humanity.

    I suggest you take a look at Maslow's seven stages of moral and ethical development and see where your statement puts you. Not yet out of the juvenile phase, I'm afraid.

    Sorry to burst your bubble.


  • Perry


    Would you risk your life for your child?

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America

  • gravedancer


    I have one response to people who cannot stick to the subject but instead decide to insult others:

    "Chuck you Farlie!!!"

    Care to deny and state WHY you diagree with what I posted or is that asking for too much. I don't mind you disagreeing with me at all - just say don't know me so don't psychoanalyze me - I will shock your socks off.

  • gravedancer

    Perry - of course.

  • larc

    Hey Carmel,

    Could you please show us a reference to Maslow's seven stages of ethical devlopement? Maslow had a five stage theory of motivation. I could be wrong, but I think you are making it up as you go along.

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