Could you live with not talking to your JW family for the rest of your life?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    one of greatest obstacles to leaving the organization is the destruction of the family unit. As Lady-Lee wrote about Oompa, I thought of this topic, the Society says "this is their way to get wrong doing people to return to the loving arms of Jehovah after they repent of their sins"

    I know of men and women who are in good standings and hate their fellow spiritual JW family, I am willing to bet, wager that "JW-Hatred" exceeds the Worlds hatred, something about a self-assured group versus the "not so self assured' creates one plucked up structure. JW-Hatred is absolute, when a person sins against one of the "most holy jws, all hell breaks loose!" Pioneer vs Pioneer, super spiritual family vs super-spiritual family, one thing I have learned, JWs are the best grudge keepers of all religions!

    What of the brothers and sisters who were stumbled by wicked men and women? What of the countless errors made by men who assume the role of secondary-mediator? Jesus said we would loose family, friends for obeying his words, what have we done by following men's commandments as God's written rules? A large group of our friend here are going through this nightmare, and the heartless, devoid of mercy "apostles of new york" don't care, they want you to submitt your Christian freedom and obey them. I am pondering this question as it's the next logical step in my personal Road Map over the next year.

    My JW family are some of the most wicked men and women, worse than all my worldy friends I gave up for all the elusive good friends and family I would inherit once I became part of the "group". I am tired of all the judgemental kooks whose family lives are so screwed up, yet they are ready to point out what they preceive I am doing wrong. I grow restless with emotionally, spiritually and mentally sick people ruling the Island. So far I don't miss these people, is there something odd with me?

  • Heaven

    Outside of my immediate family (my parents were JW), this is basically happening in my life. My JW family never communicate with us unless they have to.

    Sometimes friends make way better family than your true blood relations.

    I suggest gettings some good friends. They don't all have to be 2 legged either:

    Paw In The Eye

  • bigmac

    my daughter--now 41--has spoken just one sentence to me ( 5 years ago ) in the last 25 years. my younger son--now 34--the same. these have children of their own--ive never met.

    my older son was DF'd 3 years ago--we are now developing a renewed relationship--thanks to Facebook. he is now going through the same estrangement process with his own children---thanks to a crazy ex wife propped up by this religion. a case of history repeating itself.

    unless your in the same position as me in life--you cant imagine what i think of the watchtower society.

  • ziddina

    Oddly enough, I am one of the few ex-Jehovah's Witnesses who is GRATEFUL for their harsh shunning policy.

    My parents - BOTH Jehovah's Witnesses - were vicious, nasty and hateful to me.

    When I left the cult, I thought that I would NEVER have to hear from them again.

    Boy, was I wrong...

    Their 'addiction' to their previous dominance of me was SO strong, that they defied the Watchtower Society's edicts about shunning, attempting to remain in contact with me!

    Despite the fact that I had not communicated with them since around 1989, they kept sending greeting cards, timed to arrive JUST around my birthday [yet another example of their rampant hypocrisy which infuriated me so much as a child!! ]

    I finally sent them a brief letter, explaining that, had I not had the misfortune to be BORN to THEM, I would have had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM.

    They've FINALLY stopped trying to "get in touch" with me.

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    At first it was difficult, almost went back so I could have my adult kids back in my life. I realized that to go back I would have to compromise my principles. I cannot abide hypocrits so there was no way I could return to the JW's once I knew TTATT. I think of my children once in awhile but no longer pine away for them. I figure by staying out (I'm Df'd) at least if they one day wake up they will have someone to reach out to. I have made "real" friends on the outside and do not miss any "conditional" friends that I knew from childhood. Life goes on. -Leslie-

  • TweetieBird

    bigmac - I'm so sorry that you are going through this. Thank God that none of my children, nor my husband are still controlled by the organization. The people that I care about most escaped.

    Heaven - we are pretty much in the same boat with the rest of our families. I have one brother who left the organization before me (yep, I kind of shunned him for a while) and a sister who is still in. She doesn't shun me but makes no effort to communicate. My husband's family (all in) have nothing to do with us unless they need something. His mother recently wrote us a letter calling us apostates.

    Ziddina-so sorry that your parents were like that. I can't even imagine.

    Leslie - (good name, btw...wink, wink, same as mine) we tried going back also to feel apart of our families again. Just couldn't do it. Once you come out of the matrix, there's no going back in.

  • Satanus

    It's my plan, unless they stop w the jw stuff. I recently moved back close to them. No ordinary interest or effort. So, i moved away without telling anyone, likely for the rest of my life. I can handle it.


  • Refriedtruth

    I am dfed apostate 21 years now with FOUR gens of JW family on BOTH sides not speaking to me.

    What is sad besides it's satanic watchtower dogma is that I was the family anchor with the most skills and money to share,so it is the JW clans lost too.

    I have NO regrets about my righteous apostasy,I had to speak out aganist the WT cult.


    I have not went through this yet. I am trying to fade and I want to take my wife and daughter with me. Except for a few individuals, ALL of my family are Jw's. My father is not and I don't think he would shun me. I could live without talking to them, but I shouldn't have to. No one should have to go through that. Does the fear of losing my family make me hold my tounge at times? Your damn right it does. That's precisely why the Org started Df'ing people after Russell died, for control and it works. We had an anniversary party recently, and it was really fun to be with my family. I enjoyed it, but not fully because I knew in my heart that I am not free to be honest with my own family. To even attempt to help them would likely get me DF'd.

    My brother, an Elder was relating a story about his bible study. They are currently studying how Satan transforms himself into an Angel of light. So as the story is being told about " False Religions", EVERYTHING out of my brothers mouth applied to the WTBTS!! His study said, " So any religion that doesn't teach what the bible says is from Satan?", YES, says my brother, just like Catholics. All I managed to say was , " Or ANY religion that doesn't teach what is true..". YES, says my brother again... They are sooo blinded Could I live without my family? I will find out some day....

  • cobaltcupcake

    I'm in the same boat. Mom and brother are staunch JWs. Haven't heard from them in 7 years. I keep checking the Social Security death list so that I know whether or not my 82-year-old mother is still alive.

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