I'm just imagining the level of crazy that must exist at the Bethel leadership level. Not rituals and ceremonies exactly - just crazy behaviors.
Okay, I admit it. Mormons are WAY weirder than we were
by Fencing 20 Replies latest jw friends
That was NUTS!
Now I understand why the ex-Mormons on one of their websites were laughing [ruefully] over the complaints of ex-Jehovah's Witnesses...
Resistance is Futile
Very creepy.
I find it hilarious that Joseph Smith claimed to get many of the ideas for the rituals and temple ceremonies from God, yet he actually just ripped them off from the Masons. You have to admit he was an extremely successful con-man. It's just sad that in this day and age people are still falling for it.
The country is about to elect a Mormon Bishop Con Man. Where and when will a new War breakout under this Bishop and is he a true believer in The White Horse Prophecy.
Rituals are powerful in changing the mind state. In altered states new ideas can be easily implanted.
Damn that was some crazy shit! All I got was some uncomfortable questions about being a frikken child molester when I was getting promoted in the b0rg.
+1 for the Mormons
The founders of both cults are wird persons, started almost the same time of the pseydochristian boosting cult era in the mid 1800's. Both false prophets, deeply involved with Occult practice, and both founders, their past teaching are considered for both cults, apostate teachings...
A year ago I read this article about the Temple Square: http://vigilantcitizen.com/sinistersites/sinister-sites-temple-square-utah/ It's a "nutter" site, so it may seem crazy, but the photos are still interesting and the interpretation makes me wonder.
As crazy as JWs are at least they use the bible, though terribly applied rather often. The book of Mormon is a whole other level, it's like reading a SciFi/Fantasy book written hundreds of years ago. And they base their theology and doctrine on that.
Off topic - Sauerkraut, thanks for your PM. I've only seen it just now as I don't check PMs too often. Sorry about that.
they have far more in common with the Mormons then they will ever admit to