My O 2 empire has finally taken off! They rightfully featured me in Forbes!
Thanks to my succesful business, I am featured in a magazine!
by MC RubberMallet 27 Replies latest social humour
LOL---my first thought was Awake! Hard to shed that cult-think.
MC RubberMallet
Awake!? I would try to hide that one.... lol
isnt one of those guysvon the GB?
finally awake
LOL - I thought you were serious
Hey Mc ...good on ya!
Love to see this ... results of all your hard work,
ingenuity and faith in yourself!
MC RubberMallet
grumble cakes - I wouldn't be caught dead in a pic with them...
finally awake - this is serious. This picture is worth almost 1,000,000,000,281.02 and I can claim the 281.02, until I go food shopping today.
clarity - Thanks! No one told me I couldn't do it, but I did it in case any haters were thinking I couldn't. Or something.
You do know that someone could find another copy of that magazine and easliy see who you really are.
You can have Simon delete that post if you PM him,
yadda yadda 2
I thought you had a business making rubber mallets.
I think this trend of the super-rich getting recognition for also being great philanthropists is wonderful, btw. I would like to see a lot more recognition given to people who engage in humanitarian efforts instead of society and the media always focusing just on the rich and famous per se. How about a reality TV show where rich people compete against each other for who can help the most poor and suffering?
yadda yadda 2
Bill Gates probably accomplishes more Christian style charity work in one day than the entire JW organisation has ever done.