Now I know this forum has already touched on this topic many times but I'm coming at this from a personal angle. As I've said on this forum before, my wife is an active JW and has been getting more and more active while trying to indoctrinate my 21 year old son, who still lives at home and is not working but is going to a community college. My wife takes him and my 7 years old daughter to some meetings and conventions. My two other sone 15 and 11 do not in any way take part in these activities. They understand that I don't believe in this religion and my wife has so far respected my position by not pressing them. Yet, I beleive she has a strategy to have my older son do it for her. I work a lot to support us as my wife does not work. I have come to believe that the Watchtower Society is part of the Illuminati. Yes Yes I know many of you think this is not so but I do. I've researched it alot and I have come to believe that Charles Russell was greatly influenced by Freemasonry. Because the Illuminati is a Secret Society, there wouldn't be much documentation proving this, you just have to read between the lines. Too many similar goals between Freemasonry, Illuminati and the WTBTS to be ignored. Too many similar goals. New World Order is happening now and I believe I can see that the WTBTS is in on it. Maybe I need you guys to tell me I'm crazy, sometimes I feel like I'm getting there, other times, I know I'm right about this. It's a very scary realization to come to. Not just because there is nothing I can do about it, but more so because I beleive my wife and son are being duped. I believe in my heart that my marriage is over if things continue as they are. I can have no part in this so called religion and I can not sit bye and watch people I love being duped and sit on my hands. I've never seriously confronted my wife with what I think accept to challenge her on a few doctrines that I know stumpped her. Since I've come to a place in my heart where I have to do something here, what would any of you recommend I do. I'm aware there will be no going back. I just can't play this game anymore. I'm exhausted by it all and consumed with guilt for not coming out strong sooner. Walking on egg shells is all I do and I'm sick of it...
Illuminati and the Watchtower
by marriedtoajw 44 Replies latest jw friends
How exactly is the Watchtower in on a New World Order scheme.
Hi Married ... I hear you ... this process is exhausting!
Sounds like your energy is getting too scattered by
being concerned with such a large load of information!
Simplify simplify simplify ... 'cut out the frills'
and just stick to the basics right now. Seriously!
The Illuminatti may or may not be worth considering ....
but probably not right now while you have so much on your plate
to deal with.
As well, your family really will not take you seriously
if you start talking about illuminatti, masons ... all the Art Bell stuff!
Gather together your manly powers and inner strength, decide on a simple,
and loving goal and start walking a clearer path.
Don't forget to breathe
How exactly is the Watchtower in on a New World Order scheme.
Designs, the Masonic connection to the Watchtower, although very real, is really only a small piece of the puzzle. Charles Taze Russell was part of an occultic invasion from Britain that brought about the Protestant Reformation, which, as the evidence clearly reveals, was a Kabbalist/Occulist revolutionary movement against Orthodoxy. When the Marronos (Crypto-Jews of Spain) and reformers fled the Inquisition, a huge amount of them ended up in Antwerp and other places in Northern Europe, specifically England, where they set up secret societies and Masonic lodges. In fact, King Henry VIII utilized the Marranos in helping him annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon so he could take on a concubine. Anyways, the Protestant movement was made up of two key elements: revolution and millennialism—the two going hand in hand. Although we don't really see Freemasonry and the Illuminati becoming prominent until the 18th century, the occultic/Kabbalist nature that drives them was already prominent in Europe by the time the Inquisition had dispersed the subversives. The Watchtower fits in perfectly with this line of revolutionary Protestantism. WTBTS doctrine is Millenniallist and even Illuminist. Notice that the governing body and even rank-and-file Jehovah's Witnesses use information on others as a form of blackmail? (This is fundamentally Illuminism)
The goal of Millennialism is to bring Christianity into bondage to the Rabbnical authorities through transformation to Talmudic Judaism, turning the clear revelations of the true Kingdom of God, which is spiritual in nature, on its head.
The WTBTS fits into a long line of Revolutionary Proestant movements, including the Hussites, Anabaptists, Lutherans, Calvinists, Waldensians, etc. They all have the same modus operandi, without question. Take Calvinism, for example. Calvinism was essentially Kabbalism. Calvin taught that God was the author of both good and evil, mirroring the Kabbalah's "as above, so below" philosophy. Calvin rejected everything Orthodox, specifically the Holy Trinity.The Protestant Reformation, in all of its Masonic-Illuminist endeavours, was not simply a natural reaction to Papal corruption. Instead, it was an organized revolution against Christianity proper to obliterate it from the face of the earth and bring about a "return to the vomit of Judaism." The fundamental difference between The Watchtower, its Protestant co-religionists and Christianity proper lies is their Messianic expectation. The Protestants expect a Messianic Kingdom of Earth, in fleshly Jerusalem, while Christianity proper expects a Messianic Kingdom from heaven, spiritually, and that it is here now and has been since Christ first came. The former is essentially Jewish while the latter is Christian.
In addition to my first response, the New World Order is part of the Illuminati program, which currently is in the social engineering, technocracy phase. It's a cultural revolution; whereas the Protestant Reformation phase of the New World Order was primarily religous; although, it did eventuate in cultural revolution. Consider that the Protestant ruling class of America have been staunch proponents of sexual liberation, eugenics, birth control, etc.
'proponents of sexual revolution' well that leaves out the Watchtower guys.
Designs, the common denominator is millennialism and the occult. As long as this is in place, the movements are permitted to deviate on other issues. The perceived mysteriousness of the New World Order and the Illuminati is simply for effect. In the end, it's just a revolutionary movement, albeit, a very sinister and global one. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is unquestionably part of the New World Order.
Married, Clarity is giving you good advice there.
I know people in real life who would support all that others have said. One of my own sons says the same. These things may be so, but I am quite certain that dwelling on them and trying to research the basis for it all just isn't helpful when trying to deal with the realities of the damage the Watchtower causes.
The best thing we can do for ourselves is to free ourselves and our minds from it and that means mentally distancing ourselves from their influence as best they can. For myself, I began to make that distance real when I began to clear out of my house all the literature etc. it has all gone.
Married, you are in a very worrying situation with your wife in and one son and your little girl clearly at risk of being drawn in. Your wife is taught by the elders that she has to respect you except when you go against her duty to Jehovah. That gives her a lot of leeway. I agree with Clarity, thinking about the Illuminati is not helpful to you right now. In fact,it's unhelpful, really, because it distracts you from finding the best way to keep you or son and daughter away from it all.
I am not experienced enough to help here, because I really have only just escaped, myself. But there are others here who can really help you a lot, and I am sure they will.
Chariklo, that all depends. Some people have left the Watchtower as a result of learning of its Masonic/Illuminati core. But I agree with you that protecting his children is the number one thing. Although, his son does have the advantage of being 21, and the younger ones appear to be safe from indoctrination. Everyone is brought out of mind control differently. There is no sure-fire way.
Clarity and Chariklo - I understand what you guys are saying. Your advice seems practical and reasonable. For 20 years now, I have been dancing around this. Having children, bringing them up with Christian principles while not being overly anti-Watchtower. Even going to far as to vacation with my JW in-laws for many of those years. Though only my mil and my wife's grand mother were the only JW's when we got married. My wife assured me at that time that it wasn't for her. All that has changed in the last 10 years since as both her parents and sis and bil are all JW's although lving out of state. My 21 year old admires my bil for reasons I can't understand. My bil in 35 going on 22. No kids, has a fetish with cosmic books vand video games etc... while I'm the father of 4 with a strong work ethic, high moral standards, and looked up to by my extended family neices and nephews numbering in the teens. Yet I feel as if I have so very little influence on his spiritual direction all because of being so careful all these years. I would say I've only become very intimately aware of all their teachings in the last 5 years or so. I'm not the same person anymore. I've reinterpreted everything I've every experienced with my wife and her family since engaging in serious research. They know I know alot now but they still don't know how much I know or perhaps they don't care anymore as they have all given up trying to "get me in".
My wife did a good job in emasculating me by skipping meetings months at a time over the last few years but it seems almost from the day my son turned 21 it's been full steam ahead. Not one meeting skipped since June. I think she's been to more meetings since then than she's been to in the last 3 years. The stakes have been raised. I know that researching and trying to connect the dots of the Illuninati and the Watchtower may seem like a waste of time but I began researching it in the first place because my son was the first to mention it to me. He believes in the New World Order and has done some research on it on his own before I ever started. Trying to convince me what a waste of time it is to vote. He knows I've always kept up with politics and that I have opinions. He's become convinced it's all a waste of time as it doesn't matter who wins any election since people are powerless to change anything.
I beleive there is enough circumstantial evidence to prove that Charles Russell was influenced by Freemasonry, Pyrmidology and the Occult. The Watchtower use to use the term New World Order or New Order in it's old publications until they changed it to The New System. No stonecutter brough up the same things I've come accross and brought up some of the similar goals I was refering to. While I do agree that delving too much into this may not be the best approach, I'm not sure what else I can do. My wife has been pretty slick with indoctrinating my son behind my back while being very kissy kissy. She knows what she's doing but thinks I'm so spiritually blind that I can't see what's going on. It's only a matter of time before my other boys start to question me as my oldest son becomes more and more involved. Things seem to coming to a climax with my kids and I'm not sure what to do other than what I've always done which is to just hedge some of the JW stuff but it doesn't seem to have helped much.