Acts 6:9 "but certain men rose up of those from the so-called synagogue of the Freedman".
Is Acts 6:9 speaking about freemasons?
by EndofMysteries 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Witness My Fury
Considering freemasonry is only 300 or so years old and Acts was written 1600 years earlier then what do you think?
I know what I think,'re frickin nuts.
Witness My Fury - the knights templars, part of masonry, were part of the holy crusades, so you are saying that happened 300 years ago?
and freemasons claim they began around the time of solomon, that they were called freedman, and only those who were literally free men, not slaves to anyone could join. so whether parts of it were made up or not, and many of the symbols they use are well over 300 years old. I am curious just what or who was this synagogue of freedmen mentioned in acts who stoned Stephen to death.
Witness My Fury
OK, I'll play along....
Quick google search reveals these:
The Synagogue of the freedmen-
Greek-speaking synagogue in Jerusalem involved in instigating the dispute with Stephen (Acts 6:9; KJV "Synagogue of the Libertines"). The Greek syntax suggests two groups of disputants. The first consisted of the Synagogue of the Freedmen, composed of Cyrenians and Alexandrians (NASB, TEV). It is possible that this first group has three parties, the freedmen (freed slaves), the Cyrenians, and Alexandrians. Some early versions have Libyans in place of "libertines," giving three groups of North African Jews. The second party in the dispute was composed of Greek-speaking Jews of Asia and Cilicia. These may have belonged to the Synagogue of the Freedmen as well (REB). Some have identified the freedmen as the descendants of Pompey's prisoners of war (63 b.c.). - Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary[2176]!/10/1:0
The Freedmen were the descendants of Jewish slaves captured by Pompey in 63 b.c. and taken to Rome. They were later granted their freedom and formed a Jewish community there. Cyrenians and Alexandrians were from two of the major cities of North Africa, Cyrene (home of the Simon who carried Jesus' cross [Luke 23:26]), and Alexandria. Both cities had large Jewish populations. Cilicia and Asia were Roman provinces in Asia Minor.
Since Paul's hometown of Tarsus was located in Cilicia (Acts 21:39; 22:3), he likely attended their synagogue in Jerusalem. That he was present for the events surrounding Stephen's trial and execution is evident from 7:58 and 8:1. It is possible that, as a student of the great Rabban Gamaliel, he even participated in the debate with Stephen.
-John MacArthur, MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Acts 1-12
It sound to me like you want them to be freemasons to fit in with your amazing (yet to be revealed) nooolite. After all the bible is some great code book from god right? And he's revealed the key to decryption to you hasnt he?
Lol, no.
And JWs claim to go all the way back to Abel. Doesn't mean that's so.
witness - nope it wouldn't have to be. And part of the bible are coded by illustrations. A lot of the truth was lost because of translating or atleast made it impossible to see unless could read hebrew/greek. Then 4 books of the bible by bad people were scrambled up like scrambled eggs but the truth can be put together still.
Christ Alone
Think hermeneutically, EOM. This isn't some sort of "coded" reference. This is referring to a real group of people, whom we know about. The freedmen was a group of freed slaves, and we know from where they originated. This wasn't some veiled prophecy. You can't read prophecy into a historical account. It violates everything we know about interpreting the Bible.
Also keep in mind that we are reading "freedman" in English. This is a translation of a Greek term. Obviously freemasons were not around until recently. Look at all the translations and see that these freed slaves were referred to in other terms:
The freedmen thing has absolutely nothing to do with any of my other posts and what I am talking about. They may or may not be related to the ones today, it's irrelevant. I know the ones today claim their origination was in king solomons time and why so much emphasis on his temple. If it's true could be related, if they are making it up, it doesn't make a difference. If it was true it would just be interesting. But this scripture won't be quoted in what my real project is, it has nothing to do with it.