Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-21-2012 WT Study (TRAPS)

by blondie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-21-2012 WT Study (AUGUST 15, 2012, pages 25-29)(TRAPS)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be before COMMENTS

    Quotes from other sources will headed by QUOTES or WT-CD format

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations

    WT publications

    WT child abuse

    Blood issue

    United Nations

    Also posted on

    Research: excellent website



    “Stand firm against the

    machinations of the

    Devil.”—EPH. 6:11.

    PICTURE: Young black man crawling out of a hole/trap.


    The worst traps are set by those you trust, at the KH. Remember Jesus was betrayed by Judas and denied three times by Peter. Remember Paul talked about ‘false brothers.’ It is also amazing that the WTS does not talk about how many alcoholic elders there are, practicing alcoholics, who knows about it and does nothing. Just some of the things that can make you a NONE.


    How can a servant of Jehovah

    avoid being caught in the trap

    of materialism?

    What can help a married

    Christian not to fall into the

    pit of adultery?

    Why do you believe that it is

    beneficial to take a firm stand

    against materialism and sexual



    1, 2. (a) Why does Satan not have compassion for the

    anointed and the “other sheep”? (b) What traps of Satan will

    be discussed in this article?

    SATAN THE DEVIL has no compassion for humans,

    especially for those who serve Jehovah.

    In fact, Satan is waging war on the anointed

    remnant. (Rev. 12:17) Those stalwart Christians have

    spearheaded the modern-day Kingdom-preaching

    work and have exposed Satan as the ruler of this

    world. The Devil also has no love for the “other

    sheep,” who support the anointed and are in line for

    everlasting life—a prospect that Satan no longer has.

    (John 10:16) No wonder he is wrathful! Whether we

    have the heavenly hope or the earthly hope, Satan

    certainly has no interest in our welfare. His goal is

    to make us his victims.—1 Pet. 5:8.


    So what proves that Satan is waging war on the “anointed remnant” (only jws) compared to other religious groups?

    Going into new countries, why was it that the WTS targeted Christian converts in other religions rather than “pagans” to the point that those religions accused them of stealing their flock?

    “other sheep” = why not “great crowd”?

    What do the other sheep have to do to “support” the “anointed” jws?

    CARROT = in line for everlasting life…only baptized jws…all 7 billion plus non-jws, men, women, children babies are in line for eternal destruction with no resurrection in view.

    Proof? Heavenly hope or earthly hope in the bible?

    2 To accomplish his aim, Satan has set various

    traps, or snares. Since he “has blinded the minds” of

    unbelievers, they do not accept the good news and

    cannot see these traps. However, the Devil also ensnares

    some who have accepted the Kingdom message.

    (2 Cor. 4:3, 4) The preceding article showed how we

    can avoid three of Satan’s traps: (1) uncontrolled

    speech, (2) fear and pressure, and (3) inordinate

    guilt. Let us now consider how we can

    stand firm against two other satanic traps or snares

    —materialism and temptation to commit adultery.


    Unbelievers – all non-jws including other Christians, so-called Christians per the WTS.

    It is the constantly changing “good news” of the WTS that these “unbelievers” don’t accept. Failed predictions………that have deceived and blinded the members/followers of the WTS.


    3, 4. How might the anxieties of this system of things lead to


    3 In one of his illustrations, Jesus mentioned seed

    sown among thorns. He pointed out that a person

    may hear the word, “but the anxiety of this system

    of things and the deceptive power of riches choke

    the word, and he becomes unfruitful.”

    (Matt. 13:22) Yes, materialism is one

    snare used by our enemy Satan.


    “deceptive power of riches” does this or “materialism” mean a person has to actually possess riches? So how does the WTS and the elders “judge” someone materialistic?

    *** g03 4/8 p.20 What Is Materialism?***

    Some Christians have an abundance of material riches. Is this in itself evidence of materialism and a lack of spirituality? By contrast, are those who are poor less likely to be materialistic and more likely to be spiritually inclined?

    Surely you would agree that materialism involves much more than simply having abundant wealth or possessions.

    Among faithful servants of God in Bible times were some who had riches and glory. For instance, Abraham “was heavily stocked with herds and silver and gold.” (Genesis 13:2) Job was known as “the greatest of all the Orientals” because of his accumulation of livestock and his large body of servants. (Job 1:3) Kings of Israel, such as David and Solomon, came to possess enormous wealth.—1 Chronicles 29:1-5; 2 Chronicles 1:11, 12; Ecclesiastes 2:4-9.

    Wealthy Christians were part of the congregation in the first century. (1 Timothy 6:17) Lydia is called “a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira and a worshiper of God.” (Acts 16:14) Purple dye and garments colored with it were expensive and were usually reserved for individuals of position or wealth. Thus, Lydia may have had a degree of wealth herself.

    It is the determination to be rich and the love of material things that cause problems.

    Rich jws I knew were gone on cruises, 6 week long vacations in Florida (attending no meetings, drinking excessively, dancing to music they would never at home), no field service, justifying it because the group were all jws, as one couple traded spouses. These were the ones that could not attend meetings during the week because of their on-the-road work schedule. The ones with box seats to football and basketball leading to their missing Saturday and Sunday “spiritual” activities. As the bribed other elders and Cos with tickets, paid as a right off regarding their business.

    4 When combined, two factors choke

    the word. One factor is “the anxiety

    of this system of things.” In these “critical

    times hard to deal with,” there is

    much that could make you anxious.

    (2 Tim. 3:1) With the high cost of living

    and rising unemployment rates, you

    may find it difficult to make ends meet.

    You may also be anxious about the future

    and wonder, ‘Will I have enough

    income after I retire?’ Because of such

    anxiety, some have been led to pursue

    riches, thinking that money will guarantee



    So are the writers of this article anxious with a home provided for (nice digs at Patterson), no mortgage, tax, utilities, or rent; food provided three times daily; health services; monthly allowance; donations from jws in their local congregation; paid trips to faraway places to give public talks/conventions. Do they worry about unemployment or retirement?

    5. In what way can the “power of riches” be deceptive?

    5 Jesus spoke of the other factor—“the

    deceptive power of riches.” That element

    combined with anxiety can choke

    the word. The Bible acknowledges that

    “money is for a protection.” (Eccl. 7:12)

    However, the pursuit of riches is not

    wise. Many have found that the more

    they struggle to acquire riches, the more

    materialism entraps them. Some have

    even become slaves to riches.—Matt.



    So if jws put the meetings and field service first and can’t make the rent or put food on the table or gas in the car; will the congregation come forward to help them---or will they help them fill out the government application for help?

    *** w87 6/1 pp.11-12 par.14 Keeping An Eye On the Interests of theElderly***

    Money is a protection.’ (Ecclesiastes 7:12) Yet many an aged brother or sister is in dire financial straits and has no relatives willing to help out. Individuals in the congregation, though, are usually happy to assist when made aware of the need. (James 2:15-17) The elders can also look into what government or social services, insurance policies, pensions, and so forth, are available. In some lands, however, such services are hard to come by, and there may be no alternative but to follow the pattern at 1 Timothy chapter 5 and arrange for the congregation as a whole to provide relief.

    *** w06 6/1 pp.6-7 God Cares for theElderly***

    What, though, if an older brother or sister in the congregation is in dire straits, perhaps needing financial assistance? First, it would be good to find out if there are children or other relatives who can help. (NOT NECESSARILY JWS) This would be in line with what is stated at 1 Timothy 5:4: “If any widow has children or grandchildren, let these learn first to practice godly devotion in their own household and to keep paying a due compensation to their parents and grandparents, for this is acceptable in God’s sight.”

    It may be that the elderly one needs assistance in determining if he or she is eligible for any provisions that the government makes available . Perhaps some in the congregation would be able to help. If none of these avenues are open, the elders could determine if the individual qualifies for assistance from the congregation.In some cases, this was permitted in the first-century congregation, for the apostle Paul wrote to his coworker Timothy: “Let a widow be put on the list who has become not less than sixty years old, a wife of one husband, having a witness borne to her for fine works, if she reared children, if she entertained strangers, if she washed the feet of holy ones, if she relieved those in tribulation, if she diligently followed every good work.”—1 Timothy 5:9, 10.

    6, 7. (a) How might materialism prove to be a

    danger at one’s place of employment? (b)What

    concerns should a Christian consider when the

    possibility of overtime work is presented to


    6 The desire for riches may begin innocently.

    For example, consider this scenario.

    Your employer approaches you

    and says: “I have good news! The company

    has won a huge contract. This will

    mean working overtime quite often for

    the next few months. But I can assure

    you that the pay will make it well worth

    your effort.” How would you react to

    such an offer? Of course, the need to

    provide materially for your family is a

    serious responsibility, but it is not the

    only responsibility you have. (1 Tim. 5:8)

    There are several other concerns you

    have to take into account. How much

    overtime will be involved? Will your secular

    work interfere with your spiritual

    activities, including congregation meetings

    and your Family Worship evening?


    The key word here is OVERTIME….NEXT FEW MONTHS. As I mentioned above, I knew elders that never made a weekday meeting because of their business or jobs. Yet were appointed elders and remained so.

    So does a jw have to be homeless…I can remember the brother than applied for unemployment and/or disability fraudulently and excused it by “pioneering.”

    I knew men who never studied with their family, as the Family Worship, “arrangement was called. Even with tempting the father and mother being able to count 4 hours each per month, has not stopped it. Note this change in terminology. Why is Family Worship capitalized and family bible study was not?

    *** dx86-11 BibleStudies***Family Worship [Family Bible Study];

    7 In weighing your decision, what

    would you consider to be foremost

    —how the overtime work would affect

    your bank account or how it might affect

    your spirituality? Would eagerness

    to make more money cause you to stop

    putting Kingdom interests first in life?

    Can you see how materialism would affect

    you if you were to neglect your own

    spiritual health and that of your fami-

    ly? If that is happening to you right now,

    how can you stand firm and avoid being

    choked by materialism?—Read 1 Timothy

    6:9, 10.


    How would it affect your spirituality to go; to listen to the talks the elders give not knowing when they walked in that that they had one; the elders in the back of the room discussing anything but spiritual things; the ones that can’t remember the first names of the children in “divided” homes; the ones who never go to meetings or service on vacations or when working out of town, etc.

    PICTURE: Black husband/white wife

    Materialism can choke a person spiritually.

    Do not let that happen to you

    8. Considering what Scriptural examples can

    help us to reappraise our lifestyle?

    8 To avoid being strangled by materialism,

    periodically reappraise your lifestyle.

    Never would you want to be like

    Esau, who showed by his actions that

    he despised spiritual things! (Gen. 25:

    34; Heb. 12:16) And surely you should

    not be like the rich man who was invited

    to sell his belongings, give to the

    poor, and follow Jesus. Instead of doing

    so, the man “went away grieved, for he

    was holding many possessions.” (Matt.

    19:21, 22) Ensnared by riches, that man

    lost out on a great privilege—that of being

    able to follow the greatest man who

    ever lived! Be careful not to lose out on

    the privilege of being a disciple of Jesus



    And if you don’t reappraise it, the elders will “help” you and other “mature” jws.

    Is the WTS suggesting this again?

    "Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end." Kingdom Ministry May 1974 p.3 How Are You Using Your Life?

    9, 10. What would you say is the Scriptural

    view of material things?

    9 To counteract undue worry about

    material things, heed Jesus’ admonition:

    “Never be anxious and say, ‘What are we

    to eat?’ or, ‘What are we to drink?’ or,

    ‘What are we to put on?’ For all these are

    the things the nations are eagerly pursuing.

    For your heavenly Father knows you

    need all these things.”—Matt. 6:31, 32;

    Luke 21:34, 35.


    So how will the Father provide this? Through the government or the congregation?

    (see paragraph 6 comments)

    10 Rather than fall victim to the deceptive

    power of riches, strive to adopt

    the viewpoint of the Bible writer Agur,

    who stated: “Don’t let me be too poor

    or too rich. Give me just what I need.”

    (Prov. 30:8, Contemporary English Version)

    Clearly, Agur understood the protective

    value of money as well as the deceptive

    power of riches. Realize that the

    anxieties of this system and the deceptive

    power of riches can result in spiritual

    ruin. Undue worry about material

    things can consume your time, sap

    your energy, and leave you with little or

    no motivation to pursue Kingdom interests.

    Therefore, make it your resolve not

    to be caught in Satan’s trap of materialism!—

    Read Hebrews 13:5.


    Once again the WTS uses a quote other than the NWT, why? Is the NWT not clear enough?

    (Proverbs 30:8) Untruth and the lying word put far away from me. Give me neither poverty nor riches. Let me devour the food prescribed for me,

    So what is “undue” worry….I believe that the WTS would rather the rank and file donate more money.



    11, 12. How might a Christian fall victim to

    adultery at his or her place of work?

    11 Hunters who want to catch a strong

    animal may dig a pit on a path often traveled

    by the prey. The pit is usually camouflaged

    with a thin covering of sticks and soil.

    One of Satan’s most successful

    temptations resembles that type of

    trap. It is the sin of immorality. (Prov. 22:

    14; 23:27) A number of Christians have

    fallen into that pit by letting themselves

    get into situations in which compromise

    is all too easy. Some married Christians

    have succumbed to committing adultery

    after developing an improper romantic



    Which is worse in the OT, fornication or adultery. Adultery was a capital crime, not fornication. Was God less moral back then? He even allowed polygamy.

    So marriage doesn’t protect jws from committing sexual immorality.

    (1 Corinthians7:2) yet, because of prevalence of fornication, let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband.

    (1 Corinthians7:9) But if they do not have self-control, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to be inflamed [with passion].

    A new spiritual term = improper romantic relationship (does not mean sex has occurred…one of those lust in the heart situations)

    (Matthew 5:27,28) 27YOU heard that it was said, ‘You must not commit adultery.’ 28 I say to YOU that everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

    12 An improper romantic relationship

    could develop at your place of employment.

    In fact, a secular study revealed

    that more than half of adulterous

    women and nearly 3 out of 4 adulterous

    men had illicit relations with a workmate.

    Does your secular work require

    that you associate with members

    of the opposite sex? If so, what is the nature

    of your relationship with them? Do

    you have boundaries in place that keep

    it professional and that do not allow

    it to become something more? For example,

    after repeated casual conversations

    with a male coworker, a Christian

    sister might make him her confidant,

    even telling him about her marital problems.

    In another situation, after becoming

    friendly with a female coworker, a

    Christian man might reason: “She values

    my opinion and really listens when

    I talk to her. And she appreciates me. I

    wish I got more of this kind of treatment

    at home!” Can you see how Christians

    in such situations could be vulnerable

    to committing adultery?


    I thought back to 44 years of employment, and all required working with men. Besides nuns, what jobs require only working with women?

    I know female jws who were counseled to make the elders confidants. I wonder what their non-jw or jw husbands made of that? Why are jws making non-jws their confidants in the first place. There is always a sister who is dying to know your personal business to spread all over, even the elders tell their wives rather than be satisfied with making another elder their confidant.

    So if these jws are married and access to sex is not the issue, what is driving the need to confide outside the WTS organization?

    13. How could an improper romantic relationship

    develop within the congregation?

    13 An improper romantic relationship

    could develop within the congregation.

    Consider this true-life example.

    Daniel and his wife, Sarah,* were regular

    pioneers. Daniel was also “a never-say-no

    elder,” as he puts it. He eagerly

    accepted every privilege that came

    his way. As part of his ministry, Daniel

    conducted five Bible studies with young

    men—three of whom got baptized.

    These newly baptized brothers needed

    considerable help. When Daniel was

    busy with his various theocratic assignments,

    Sarah often provided that help.

    Soon this pattern developed: Daniel’s

    former Bible students needed emotional

    support, and they received it from Sarah.

    She needed attention, and she got it

    from Daniel’s Bible students. A deadly

    trap had been set. “Months of my wife’s

    giving of herself drained her spiritually

    and emotionally,” says Daniel. “This,

    coupled with the fact that I had been

    neglecting her, led to a disastrous turn

    of events. My wife committed adultery

    with one of my former students. She

    had become spiritually weak right under

    my nose, and I was too concerned

    about all my privileges even to notice

    it.” How can you avoid such a tragedy?

    *Names have been changed.


    I know of several cases of this; BUSY ELDER = NEGLECTED WIFE. And they were warned by their BOE but ignored it. The BOE let it go until the wife sought what her husband was withholding…They don’t mention if this couple stayed married. The cases I knew, the wife chose to be df’d and married the man. The eager to be elders but not husbands were finally removed….but even an ex-elder is a catch and they all re-married, and all those marriages ended within 3 years.

    14, 15. What factors can help married Christians

    to avoid the pit of adultery?

    14 To avoid the pit of adultery, reflect

    on the meaning of marital commitment.

    Jesus said: “What God has yoked together

    let no man put apart.” (Matt. 19:6)

    Never think that your theocratic

    privileges are more important than your

    spouse. Moreover, be aware that frequently

    spending time away from your

    mate for nonessential activities may indicate

    a weakness in your marriage and

    can lead to temptation and possibly to

    serious sin.


    So does the WTS cooperate with their advice to the elders, or do they pour responsibilities on them or hold out the lure of doing more to be raised to be mighty men, princes on earth?

    What are “nonessential activities”? The WTS says the wife has to give permission for her husband to be a way for WTS build operations. So what wife would say no?

    15 If you are an elder, though, what

    about the flock? The apostle Peter wrote:

    “Shepherd the flock of God in your care,

    not under compulsion, but willingly;

    neither for love of dishonest gain, but

    eagerly.” (1 Pet. 5:2) Congregation members

    in your care certainly should not be

    ignored. However, you should not fulfill

    your role as a shepherd at the expense

    of your role as a husband. It would be

    pointless—even dangerous—to focus all

    your attention on feeding the congregation

    while your mate is “starving” at

    home. Daniel states, “There is much

    more to life than struggling to care for

    privileges to the detriment of your own



    After 45 years I have seen so many neglected elders’ wives and children. Usually the conscientious ones who get dumped on by the other elders who want the fame but not the work. Or the ones that don’t want to be around their family and hide behind their privileges. The ones that father 5 children but have no time to change diapers or take them back when they act up to quiet them (not spank). The ones that don’t sit with their family and are in the back of the hall talking a bout “important” things.

    In 2011 and 2010 the WTS mentions reaching out over 160 times; 118 times in the KM.


    Asian woman pricing products being harassed, looming co-worker

    Flirting—or responding to it—can lead

    to becoming a victim of adultery (she caused it, she wanted it, it’s her fault)

    16, 17. (a) What practical measures can married

    Christians take at the workplace to send a

    clear signal that they are not available romantically?

    (b) Give an example of published material

    that can help Christians to avoid adultery.

    16 Much good counsel has appeared

    in the pages of The Watchtower and

    Awake! to help married Christians resist

    falling into the trap of adultery. For

    instance, The Watchtower of September

    15, 2006, offered this advice: “In the

    workplace and elsewhere, beware of situations

    that might foster intimacy. For

    example, spending extra hours working

    closely with someone of the opposite

    sex can set the stage for temptation.

    As a married man or woman, you

    should make it clear by your speech

    and your demeanor that you are simply

    not available. As one who pursues

    godly devotion, you would certainly

    not want to invite undue attention by

    flirting or by being immodest in your

    dress and grooming. . . . Having photos

    of your marriage mate and children

    around the workplace will serve as a visual

    reminder to you and to others that

    you have priorities. Be determined never

    to encourage—or even tolerate—seductive

    overtures from another.”


    So asking men to reach out continuously, saying they must not be materialistic but provide for their family, is not setting people up for a fall?

    “immodest in your dress and grooming” = a female problem or are men’s minds in the gutter? Are women inviting undue attention; how do men do it? Tight pants, unbuttoned shirts?

    What about touchy feely elders…we had a couple of those….will the other elders believe the accusations unless there are 2 eyewitnesses? They would do it before and after the meetings….

    17 The article entitled “Marital Fidelity—

    What Does It Really Mean?” in

    Awake! of April 2009 warned against

    sexual fantasies involving someone other

    than your marriage mate. The article

    indicated that engaging in sexual fantasies

    will increase the likelihood of your

    committing adultery. (Jas. 1:14, 15) If

    you are married, it would be wise for

    you and your spouse to review such information

    together from time to time.

    Marriage is an arrangement instituted

    by Jehovah himself, and it is sacred.

    Setting aside time to talk to your mate

    about your marriage is a fine way to

    show that you value sacred things.

    —Gen. 2:21-24.


    So the WTS does allow sexual fantasies involving your marriage mate.

    What if you pretend to be an imaginary person?

    So the husband that is so busy with congregation activities who has no time for Family Worship will have time to read this article with his wife?

    The WTS covers its rear by printing this but then when offending elders don’t apply it, nothing will happen to them; the wife and children will be expected to “wait” on God.

    18, 19. (a) What are the consequences of

    adultery? (b) Marital faithfulness results in

    what benefits?

    18 If you find yourself tempted to develop

    an improper romantic relationship ,

    meditate on the damaging consequences

    of fornication and adultery.

    (Prov. 7:22, 23; Gal. 6:7) Those who

    commit immorality displease Jehovah

    and hurt their spouse and themselves.

    (Read Malachi 2:13, 14.) In contrast,

    contemplate the benefits that come to

    those who maintain chaste conduct.

    Not only do they have the hope of living

    forever but they also enjoy the best

    life now, including a clean conscience.

    Read Proverbs 3:1, 2.


    Why not meditate on what positive steps to take and do it? So what happens when a wife goes to the elders? How will it be any different if she goes to them about her husband’s abuse? Endure and wait.

    Living forever = with the same neglectful spouse?

    19 The psalmist sang: “Abundant

    peace belongs to those loving your

    [God’s] law, and for them there is no

    stumbling block.” (Ps. 119:165) So love

    the truth, and “keep strict watch that

    how you walk is not as unwise but as

    wise persons” in these wicked times.

    (Eph. 5:15, 16) The paths we follow

    are rife with traps set by Satan to ensnare

    true worshippers. But we are well equipped

    to protect ourselves. Jehovah

    has given us what we need to “stand

    firm” and “quench all the wicked one’s

    burning missiles”!—Eph. 6:11, 16.


    Watch yourself or will you be watched at the KH? And if you aren’t doing anything, someone will make up something. The worst traps are the ones set by the people you should be able to trust at the KH.

    True worshippers = only jws per the WTS…watch your back.



    I wonder if they will mention the WTS teaches that all 7 billion plus non-jw men, women and children are SOON to be destroyed eternally, no resurrection?

    Love, Blondie

  • ziddina

    Yay!! More reading material!!!

    Thank you, Blondie!!!

    clouds at sunset Again, doing something a little bit different from my usual flowers....

  • hoser


    " So asking men to reach out continuously, saying they must not be materialistic but provide for their family, is not setting people up for a fall?"

    I still am confused as to what the definition of Materialism is. I think perhaps they try to make it so ambigous so as to allow the local elders leeway to criticize no matter what.

    " Many have found that the more

    they struggle to acquire riches, the more

    materialism entraps them"

    so is there a difference between riches and materialism? And how about a number? When a person has $100,000 is he rich? 500,000? A million dollars?

    There is no winning with these people. No matter how hard you try it will never be good enough, so there ain't no use in trying.


    thanks Blondie for all your hard work in reviewing these articles. We appreciate it!

  • ziddina
    " SATAN THE DEVIL has no compassion for humans, especially for those who serve Jehovah. In fact, Satan is waging war on the anointed remnant...." paragraph 1

    Well, now...

    Doesn't that make them feel "special"...

  • ziddina
    "...With the high cost of living and rising unemployment rates, you may find it difficult to make ends meet. You may also be anxious about the future and wonder, ‘Will I have enough income after I retire?'..." paragraph 4

    Why don't they choke on their own hypocrisy??? How can they belittle such valid concerns and then turn around and discourage the rank & file JWs from obtaining college educations???

  • happy-n-alive

    i went to meeting today where this article was discussed. i honestly zoned out for most of it -_- however the parts i remember came up under materialism where the brother commented the world pushes higher education but true christians know that education is only for 'us' to be further equiped to serve God. sigh. i couldnt help but think that most of those speakers tell the congregation that, the members follow yet they (the speakers) will put their kids through university. Another part i noticed was how they portrayed the two women in the pictures. the one with the husband experiencing financial problems and the one being hit on at work. why did they have to have the one being hit on wearing eyeliner and red lipstick? was that suppose to make it look like her dress cause her to get hit on? -_- and why do these women in the mags dress so frumpy? i mean, i get the modesty thing, but some are quite just looks odd.

  • spanteach

    And if you don’t reappraise it, the elders will “help” you and other “mature” jws.

    For all their faults, one thing I can definitely say in their favor is that my parents have never been materialistic. Once it was just the two of them, they could afford a few more simple pleasures than they could when they were raising four kids. These "simple pleasures" for them came in the form of larger televisions, newer DVD players, and more movies.

    Back in 2005, one of the single, self-righteous pioneers in my congregation got it into her head that my parents were materialistic and had the audacity to express this opinion to me. This was one of the final nails in the coffin, so to speak, that caused me to walk away from the Witnesses and never look back. If this judgmental attitude was the thing I had to put up with in the "new world", they could have it.

  • Ding

    Does coveting some "worldly" person's house in the new system constitute materialism?

  • bobld

    Thanks! Blondie

    Materialism,they sure don't practice what they preach.New HQ when the end is so close,but I can't save for retirement.

    They want me to work cleaning toilets at 80yrs of age.No wait I'll be dead cleaning toilets before the end is here.

    Stick it up yours where the sun don't shine.

    Q13.Where is all they love that that preach.No elder help,no brotherly love.

  • Kensho


    "So are the writers of this article anxious with a home provided for (nice digs at Patterson), no mortgage, tax, utilities, or rent; food provided three times daily; health services; monthly allowance; donations from jws in their local congregation; paid trips to faraway places to give public talks/conventions. Do they worry about unemployment or retirement?"

    This says it all, it is easy tell the flock how to not be anxious and not to be materialistic when they live in IVORY TOWERS provided by the R&F !

    The strange thing is ....don't they realize that if everyone in the R&F heeded this counsel their towers would come tumbling down?

    Borg reasoning at its best


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