The truth of the matter is that it is a ‘big stick’ that is held over the heads of the flock to keep them in submission, not unlike ‘Babylon’s’ hellfire.
I didn't find this silly at seems to me to be quite true. Most other religions keep their members "in line" so to speak with the threat of hellfire. My mother became a JW because of the fear instilled in her, by religion, of an eternal hellfire.
Little did she know, of course, she was exchanging one "hellfire" for another...wonder if that thought ever crossed her mind when she was d/fed for smoking? JW's hold d/fing and shunning over peoples heads to make them toe the line.
Most religions:
don't do what we say = eternal torment after death
don't do what we say = eternal cutting off from your friends and family
End result for either = People living in fear
One is being punished [having been disfellowshipped] one is being excused [bad word choice]. Why is that? Are they not both guilty of the same bad conduct? Are they not both aware of the wrong?You're being extremely silly.
Answer: The one had made a decision that was accompanied by a vow, and then reneged on it; whereas the other girl had never made the decision in the first place. It just demonstrates that to take a vow is no little thing. -- Ecclesiastes 5:4, 5.
True a vow is no small thing...but there are several factors to be taken into my opinion anyway.
JW's tend to pressure young people into making a commitment they are not ready for when it comes to baptism. Why? To keep them in line no doubt (see above comments regarding THAT). So is a vow taken under duress valid? Well I guess only God and the person who make the vow would know that, hhhmmm?
Which leads me to my next point that a vow taken between God and an individual is between those two people/individuals. lol can't we leave the punishment of a broken promise to God up to God? Seems like he/she/it would be the one in the best position to "judge", wouldn't you think?
Guess my bottom line is your relationship with God should be just that YOUR relationship with God...
JW's stick their noses into personal matters that are between an individual and God, judge the person, deem them unworthy for association, and destroy their families and that is WRONG!