hobbies/ collectors

by fakesmile 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    Mrs. Jones, I have 2 vintage singers. They are the best. One broke and they cant get the parts anymore, so I bought the second hoping to canibalize it for parts. You cant beat a vintage singer.

    I buy furniture and paint and fix. Also sewing, antiques, a lttle woodworking, collage, paper crafts, a little bit of everything. I love vintage style. It's sort of a hobby and business in one. I make a little money but I do it mostly for fun.

  • neverscreamagain

    I like to brew beer! I guess it comes as a by-product of my love of chemistry.

    Brewing seems to me like a perfect combination of cooking and chemistry. The recipes and types of beer are endless.

    My next brew is going to be a mead, something I have not brewed before.

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    I like to collect Oaxca MX animal carvings. Old mixing bowls and vases from early CA.

    Copper vases from the arts and crafts movement. Stamps. Books.

    Old Pawn Indian Jewelry.

    Old beads....lots of beads from crappy jewelry that people toss out..

  • JeffT

    scale models. I've recently completed USS Washington and USS Hornet (with the Doolittle raid embarked). I just started working on HIJMS Kongo, sister ship to Kirashima which was sunk by Washington off Guadalcanal in 1942. All three are in 1/700. I have several others on my wish list.


    Nice discussion. Well, let me think...

    1) I come to this site

    2) I like to work on old bicycles ( English three speeds/ sturmey archer )

    3) Have been into brewing beer. Neversreamagain, I made a mead with some friends, it was awesome. Have you ever painted a " happy little beer?"!!

    4) reading sci-fy books ( mostly classics )

    5) I kept all my video game systems, so I keep them working for when I am in a retro mood.

    6) Practice on my speed-bag using the speed-bag bible

    7) I have some starwars guys in a box, and I have Ninja Turtles, and I LOVE anything Japanese, especially Giant Robots. I am a nerd and would love to take my daughter to a Comic-con!

  • Healthworker

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