Should "Irregulars" Have Psyc Evaluations?

by watson 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson

    Now that we've found out that the murderer Holt was an "irregular" we can all relax. He wasn't a "regular" witness. GAWD, this reminds me of the witness attempt to assuage their guilt over the Conti case, because he wasn't an elder.....

    All you "irregular" lurkers out there, watch out! You will now have even more attention from the elders!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I guess irregular is now a dirty word.

    I love it when 'dubs try to split hairs. They have no idea how stupid they come off


    With the way the GB are tightening the scews, I would not be suprised if they officially set a minimum hour requirement for approved standing within the congregation. Unless the Elders officially say you have special circumstances that could allow you to get less service time, then you will be considered un-approved association. That official press release made me want to puke. Yes it is accurate to say " alleged " crimes and what have you, but the irregular label was to distance the alleged perp from the org. Kind of like Cadice Conti's abuser being called a rank-and-file member. He was an ordained minister. The WTBTS is two-faced, and will say anything to save face. You are probably right, low hours will put you on the watch list.

  • james_woods

    Not only irregular, but apparantly also a handgun owner...

  • AnneB

    WT is sly with its choice of terms! "Irregular" immediately brings to mind "something not right". How nicely that serves to distance WT from the alleged murderer in their midst!

    Is the man a JW or isn't he? If he was ever baptized as a JW, sure he is! Even if he were to be DF'd he'd still be a "DF'd JW". Once a dub, always a dub as far as WT sees it; always under their "authority".

    Is there a difference between "JW" and "Publisher"? Yes. If a person participates in the public ministry (in any form: letter writing, phone calls, "incidental" witnessing, door-to-door, etc.), and is in approved status in the congregation, that person is a "Publisher". Note: even if that person doesn't "publish" he or she is still a "JW".

    Say what they may, he's their guy. It's going to be interesting to watch how they backpedal to avoid any bad press on this matter.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    They do. They are called "Shepherding Calls".

    Non professional counselors that are trying to get to the root of the "problem".

  • blondie

    In WTS parlance, irregular means having missed turning time in for one month.

    Time--No Time--Time--Time--No Time---etc.

    So if it meant attending meetings, how many would you have to miss, one a month, a week?

    *** w93 7/15 p. 27 Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah’s Precious Sheep ***

    Inactivity in the ministry or in attending Christian meetings does not mean that the sheep is no longer part of the flock. He remains part of “all the flock” for whom the elders must “render an account” to Jehovah.

  • kurtbethel

    So they knew ahead of time he was irregular, perhaps even mentally diseased, and yet they did nothing to warn the congregation of the danger.

    Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses brother has spiritual sickness and is mentally diseased

    A Jehovah's Witnesses brother has spiritual sickness and is mentally diseased, gets treatment from elders

  • mamochan13

    I may be wrong, but don't both parties have to be baptized and in good standing to be married in the hall?

    And an "irregular" is often the target of judicial committees - so they are clearly considered JWs, like it or not.

  • watson

    I have been enjoying some facebook postings by "sisters" and it's amazing how once it is pointed out that Holt was an "irregular" everyone nods in understanding...."oh, yeah, he was irregular". The witnesses are constantly warned to watch who/whom they associate with INside the hall as well as outside. Some great re-enforcement going on here.

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