One would think that the God of Gods, the Creator of everything who wanted to give we puny little humans a handbook for salvation(tm), would make sure that handbook remained authentic.
One who thinks that way would be wrong.
Since punctuation is critical to convey exact meanings, I find it strange that the God of Gods would pick a written language for His handbook that has No punctuation! Oh, wait! He also picked another language for that book that had no written vowels! Thus, we have this ancient problem about even trying to figure out God's name. Is it Yahweh, Yahwah, Yehwoh, Jehovah, or Sacajawea? Beats me.
Back to the language with no punctuation, namely Biblical Greek. At least that language had vowels when written, but it did not have periods, commas, quote marks, exclamation marks, or even smiley faces. Stupid language that.
"Truly I say to you today you will be with me in paradise(tm)"
That is what that verse looks like when not punctuated. (The "tm" was added later by scribes interested in royalties. The Watchtower Corporation picked it up centuries later and re-trademarked it and made a bloody FORTUNE from it!)
Now, a placement of a silly little comma can drastically change what that sentence means. Alert Bible readers know that Jesus said those words while dying on a cross (it wasn't really a cross, but a huge popsicle stick.) Jesus told this to a particularly nasty criminal who repented on his very own popsicle stick next to the popsicle stick Jesus was on. (Keep deathbed repentence in mind if you become a particularly nasty criminal and are about to be executed. It is a good escape hatch when all else fails.)
Traditional religions believe that all deserving people gain salvation upon death. Therefore, they punctuate the sentence in question like this:
"Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise."
This must have been great comfort for that particularly nasty criminal since it told him that although he would croak, upon croaking he would be playing a harp and singing hymns forever and ever and ever.
However, the WTS punctuation police had a very different use for that comma. They decided to render that sentence this way:
"Truly I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise."
Religious interpretations aside, that rendering is idiotic! It's like saying "Truly I'm telling you today, mind you I am not now telling you tomorrow and I am not now telling you next week and I am not now telling you yesterday, you will be with me in paradise." If Jesus was telling that guy something, at what other time than "today" would he be telling him that something?
This comma placement is used by the WTS to teach that Jesus was telling the particularly nasty criminal that sometime down the road he would be with Jesus in paradise.
As an aside, I'm not sure what the Watchtower Printing Corporation teaches about what that particularly nasty criminals'reward would actually be. Would he be of the Lion-Petting CLASS, or would he be of the Kings and Priest CLASS ruling with Jesus and the other wackos and nutjobs and particularly nasty criminals? The latter seems to be the logical choice because that particularly nasty criminal would be in like company with other particularly nasty criminals like Chuck Russell, Grudge Rutherford, Nathan Knorr, Freddie Franz, and all the wackos and nutjob "anointeds" we knew in our own Kingdom Halls and the worst wacko and nutjob on this planet, my own mother.
If the latter option is true, at what time did that particularly nasty criminal become "anointed" between his conversation with Jesus and death? It had to be a "quicky annointing" methinks.
In their placement of punctuation markes from Koine Greek into another language which uses punctuation, normal translators with any sense of decency attempt to punctuate sentences in accordance with the content and context of those sentences. In WatchtowerWorld(tm), the lone translator carefully chose punctuation to fit pre-conceived WatchtowerLand doctrine.
In his conversation with Jesus, Pontius Piglet aked "what is Truth?" If the same question is asked of WTS leaders, the answer would have to be, "whatever we say it is today, but we reserve the right to change our mind and our Bible translating as-the-need arises."