Whitney Heichel killed by multiple gunshots

by AndersonsInfo 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tylinbrando

    Jstmenu~ "Not everyone who is irregular attendant at the Kingdom Hall is a Jehovah Witnesses. A person has to be Baptised in or to be officially a Jehovah Witnesess. Just saying irregular attendant makes me think he was not . but than again he may be , and is spiritual weak as one said..."

    Holt was married in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. He was a baptized publisher. He was "active" in the door to door ministry as he reported field service time. He was an "irregular attender" of meetings. That is stupid WBTS legalize public statement and meaningless because EVERY JEHOVAH'S WITNESS is an "IRREGULAR ATTENDER" of meetings. Thats why they only have 70% meeting attendance all the way up to a district level.... UGH

  • Jstmenu

    Nobody likes to be blame for what someone else did. So it would only be fair not to blame all the jehovah Witnesess for what one indivisual did.

  • Satanus

    'Nobody likes to be blame for what someone else did. So it would only be fair not to blame all the jehovah Witnesess for what one indivisual did.'

    A similar rule should be used by jws and their god on all other religions.


  • Jstmenu

    As I said makes me think he was not but than again maybe.... but regardless we should not be jugdmental of the whole church ( reread)

  • Jstmenu

    I never called him a Jehovah Wittness eighther... if he is one I know cause a person just mentioned it

  • ziddina

    It's the hypocrisy of the "whole church" that we're reacting to, Jstmenu.

    They claim to be "jehovah's special anointed people", the ONLY ones who will survive "Armageddon" based upon their "special" understanding of the bible...

    But when their primitive and restrictive theology causes members to suffer breakdowns - as well as breaking up families, dooming bright members to menial, low-paying jobs, locking women members into loveless and sometimes physically-abusive marriages...

    Well, as I said, it's the hypocrisy that we're reacting to.

  • Jstmenu

    Irregular is someone who does not attend on a regular basis so not all Jehovah Witnesess are Irregular..... as you say Wow people like to just twist things all around... but whatever we should not be so quick to judge.. have a good night or a good morning ....

  • Finkelstein

    Oh Oh, looks like someones going to asked to go the back of the Hall for counseling by the elders .

    Murdering one of the sisters in the Hall is frowned upon, at least as far as I remember !

  • ziddina


    Yeah, Finkelstein...

    And if the elders determine that he's "truly repentant"...

    He'll probably make "ministerial servant" the minute he gets out of jail -

    IF he ever gets out of jail, that is...

  • fiddler

    The latest I read on KATU was that he had a gun on her that is why she wasn't trying to escape at the gas station. She was SCARED and who wouldn't be? He also held the same gun on her while forcing her to perform oral sex on him. Maybe she bit him.............whatever..........it enraged him enough to shoot her not once but multiple times. He's a POS and I don't hold her accountable in the least except for being too nice.

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