yes the dork is correct.
Jehovah's Witnesses DO NOT break up families
by irondork 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
...but they are pretty clueless about how to hold one together!
Members who refuse to become members........are you kidding ? lol you are soooo funny.......lmao
You obviously have your head up your arse
Obviously many people can not recognise irondork is joking
It is clearly sarcasm.
Resistance is Futile
Well played sir. You could also say that Jehovah's Witnesses Do Not break up families because technically the cult becomes your new family when you join. We may have lost relatives, but they're still with the one "true" family.
Jehovah is daddy, the Governing Body is mother.
Ziddina, Idrnomo, Braincleaned, Stuckinlimbo, MrFreeze... I wish there was a prize to offer for common sense. You would think after a year of obvious anti-WT participation with this site a comment like my OP would be seen for what it is by more than 5 people.
I was trying to lighten the mood with a play on WT think. I'm actually very surprised so many people didn't get it. Perhaps I should explains things in more detail rather than count on inteligence. I don't know if the rest of the posters showed up stupid or lost their minds due to prolonged exposure to all the hate-filled rhetoric so abundant around here. Reading posts by mrsjones, wha happened, Left in the Cold, scary21, smiddy... I just shake my head. It's sad, really.
This is another thread where the opening post is obviously satire, and yet people take it wrongly, take it at face value. Interestingly, the people who recognise on thread or post as satire don't always see the next one for the clever piece of satire that it is.
Not always the same people.
Food for thought.