Why doesn't the faithful & discreet slave declare their identity outside of the JW community?

by Theocratic Sedition 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • KristiKay

    @CA I no longer speeak with her, I would love to know her thoughts on the subject, I do remember her saying that there was no anointed ones in her hall, and she seemed proud of that

  • Gayle

    Most people question, aren't afraid to respectfully criticize for proof. The Governing Body couldn't handled that for one minute. They aren't used to it up close. Their rank & file don't dare question for fear of consequence. Actually the GB are wimps out of their circle.

  • smiddy

    How valid a point is this really : ?

    Did the major prophets go up and down the land of hebrews/jews proclaiming they were messengers of God ?....... An unchanging message was given .

    Did the minor prophets go up and down the land of hebrews/jews proclaiming they were messengers of God ?......... An unchanging message was given.

    Do the jehovah`s Witnesses go up and down the land of christendom proclaiming they are the messengers of God ?.. So why are their over 100 changes to their messages excused as new light . ? these past 130 years ?

    The reality is, new light today = false doctrine yesterday .


  • Phizzy

    Did Jesus identify himself as the Christ ? Well, he told several people to keep it under their hat, but must have known they would shout about it, and did I.D himself at least once.

    So there is the precedent for The Vicar of Christ, Popes do not hide their claim and as the GB or HolyFDS make the same claim for themselves, that they serve on Earth vicariously for Christ, why do they hide that claim ?

    For the reasons noted above, the primary one being they have NO proof to back the claim.

    Can someone not put it in BOLD on their Wiki page ?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    That is one of the best points I have heard since I have been a member of JWN....

    (although I have to say...the title 'faithful & discreet kind of gives it away)...LOL

    dis·creet /dis'kret/
    1. Careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions, esp. to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage.
    2. Intentionally unobtrusive.

    un·ob·tru·sive /??n?b'tro?osiv/
    Not conspicuous or attracting attention.
    Synonyms:modest - discreet - humble - quiet

  • irondork

    The new and improved Faithful Slave has just been crowned so we should give them time to iron out the details on how best to self-promote. I'm sure they will follow the example of the Vatican and eventually have all the District and Circuit overseers, along with a handfull of especially zealous elders report to Bethel for the annual prostration to the Governing Body ceremony.

    Some pioneers might get invited but no women.


    No women.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    they have plans to go public with the announcement on Saturday Night Live

  • punkofnice

    They don't give a sh1t what anyone thinks above getting a free meal ticket for the rest of their paedophile loving lives!

  • 00DAD

    The outside world really doesn't care.

  • LongHairGal


    Good question. As Christ Alone said, these types of religions have two doctrines, the outer one that is for public consumption and makes them seem benign or "normal" to the observer and the inner doctrine which is what the real deal is. The inner doctrine is slipped to you like a rude awakening once you are in for a while.

    If these religions laid their cards on the table and were truthful about what they really believe, how many people would join??? I know I wouldn't have.

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