What's true and what isn't?

by chapstick 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • chapstick

    Although I was born into the WTS I haven't been involved in it for decades, I do have a personal prediction based on about 6.56% of the societies doctrines, decades of meditation, crazy women, drug abuse and Bible stories that I memorized in my childhood. Here goes: The great tribulation and Armageddon (which started with the first shots fired from Syria into Turkey last month), a physical ascention for a few, the shocking appearance of great signs and wonders in the sky and the disclosure that aliens were/are our ancestors who colonized the planet will take place in the next weeks to such a degree that will be undeniable to everyone. The economic and political collapse of the Western democracies and the opening of literal, newly found scrolls (one set under the right paw of the Sphinx) will be on everyones mind and they will reveal the truth about religion and the dirty laundry of nearly every political and religious figure on the planet both now and in the past; it will be the most shocking disclosure of criminality, genocide and debauchery that has ever taken place on this planet. The truth about reincarnation, immortality, the "devil", creation and human-kinds place and purpose in the universe will be made known and Charles Russell will be exonerated. The lies, ignorance and deceit perpetrated on nearly everyone about the nature of God and our relationship with Him/Her and their children will be revealed to all who survive the coming world wide civil war (tribulation). The facts, as well as the lies about the evolutionary process (Darwinism (true) vs. Social Darwinism (false)) will be made abundantly clear to everyone who survives the war. The truth about the US, British and Israeli government complicity and planning of 9/11 and Oklahoma attacks, the British monarchy's involvement in the Lincoln, Garfield, Mckinley and John Kennedy murders as well as the pre-planning of the US civil war, the first and second world wars, the great depression and all wars since. The JW prophecy about the exposure of religion will happen and be written in stone for all to see. For the survivors of the war rewards will far outweigh anything they ever imagined. Although one will have to be the lowest scum among scum to be entirely annihilated there will be quite a few who fit the bill. There will also be a faction who hate the very concept of a sovereign over them especially a "God" or "gods". They will be provided an isolated planet of their own, however the technology will be limited to a pre-WW1 industrial base and a highly restrictive passport system that allows only one visit annually to relatives on earth under the strictest supervision. If you die or are injured before, during or after the process you'll only have to wait a month or so for your new body to be grown from your stem cells and DNA or your personal information in the akashic records. Race will be optional and they may even be allowed to change their sex if they wish. The last thing to be addressed will be the identity of the Sons and Daughters of God (the elect), the identity of an "antichrist" and a real "Christ". All of this will be accomplished well within the laws of physics in this particular universe.

    Any wagers that this isn't true? (I'm taking 100 to 1)


  • tootired2care

    I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that one.

  • pontoon

    I was thinking exactly the same thing!!

  • braincleaned

    LOL! Fun scenario! Love it.

  • Twitch

    Now dats some funny shit

  • transhuman68

    LOL, it sounds just like a Jehovah's Witness wet dream...

  • leavingwt

    "in the next weeks"

    How many weeks?

    Let us re-visit this thread in 12 months to see what has happened.

  • Terry

    We may as well speculate about whether the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears is based on actual events prefiguring end times events.

    Realistically, an objective reading of the New Testament reveals all we need to know.

    Those closest in time to Jesus didn't have more than speculation and enthusiasm to lead them off on a magical mystery tour.

    Jesus was coming back any minute now.

    Well, he didn't.

    A very ponderous and corrupt series of institutions followed those True Believers starting with the Catholic Church.

    Two frickin' thousand years later nothing at all is different. Nothing.

    True Believers are still repeating speculations and watching the skies or searching the headlines for "clues".

    We are born and we eventually die. That's all the real Truth any of us will ever have.

    Hope all you want to. You and I have a very limited amount of time to build a life worth living.

    Do your best. Don't hurt or mislead others and put your imagination on the back burner.

    This life is probably the only chance you'll ever have to make some kind of difference.

    Why waste it?

  • moshe
    We are born and we eventually die. That's all the real Truth any of us will ever have.

    You are here , because your ancestors ran fast enough avoid getting eaten by predators- remember that.

  • sir82

    Now see, if the Watchtower studies were like this, instead of the mind-numbing 6th-grade level pap they usually serve, you couldn't keep people away! Attendance would skyrocket!

    Y'all ought to go to Bethel - I'd start reading the Watchtower again if it were always as entertaining as this!

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