Excellent summary Ann!
Conti: WTS Motion re Appeal Bond - WTS Motion 10/26, Conti's Opposition 11/02, WTS Reply 11/06
by DNCall 57 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for the summary. I do not want any more dramma whether AnnOMaly is correct or not. Iam not interested in reading a court document. I dislike that guy who come up from nowhere and start hijacking other's thread that so and so was omitted out and that so and so is factually inaccurate. That guy should rather start own 'factual and accurate' thread rather than jumping on what others have started. Iam very tired and sick of them. For those of you who unfamiliar with this beautful building, please see below;
Watchtower Educational Center — Patterson, NY,
Read "Posting Guideline" 10, below. Your hatred for others is not the subject of this thread.
Thanks AnnOMaly. Two things stand out to me reading these latest documents...
- They have dropped all reference to "immediate irreparable harm and hardship" altogether, even though this very drastic and specific wording featured quite prominently in the first motion documents. Why is that?
- Secondly, they have worded the documents in such as way as to make it sound like they are doing Candace a favor by relieving her of the burden of having to pay back the bond premium if they win, even though (1) such an outcome is by no means certain, and (2) Candace has already clearly indicated that she wants the bond to be paid in cash, not property. This is her issue to worry about, not theirs. They are effectively saying "the Plaintiff doesn't know what's good for her and has turned this offer down, but we know better because we believe we will win the appeal". I don't think this will go down well with the Judge at all.
Another thing I would like some clarification on... they say the $17m bond is "filed and posted". Does this mean they've already paid it in full? The first documents gave the distinct impression that the bond was due to be paid in installments from November/December onwards. If they've definitely handed the money over, then I will obviously need to acknowledge my mistake in my article - because it sounded in the original documents like they were trying to get out of paying the bond using the premium as an excuse. If someone with legal knowledge could clarify this specific matter, I would be grateful.
In any case, the whole thing smacks of strategizing. I think the Judge will see it that way too.
wha happened?
uh, who is "that guy"?
"...If someone with legal knowledge could clarify this specific matter, I would be grateful..." cedars Mr. cedars,
I thought that was a good invitation. However, I think, it would be even more interesting to limit to only those who are trained Attorneys or Lawyers. Specifically, exclude certain individuals whose only goal is to ruin a beautful thread such as this one.
1. They have dropped all reference to "immediate irreparable harm and hardship" altogether, even though this very drastic and specific wording featured quite prominently in the first motion documents. Why is that?
They have dropped all reference to "immediate irreparable harm and hardship" because it no longer applies - they are having their motion heard. If their motion was not heard and decided on before the deadlines for the premium were up, they would have suffered "immediate irreparable harm and hardship."
Secondly, they have worded the documents in such as way as to make it sound like they are doing Candace a favor by relieving her of the burden of having to pay back the bond premium if they win, even though (1) such an outcome is by no means certain, and (2) Candace has already clearly indicated that she wants the bond to be paid in cash, not property. This is her issue to worry about, not theirs. They are effectively saying "the Plaintiff doesn't know what's good for her and has turned this offer down, but we know better because we believe we will win the appeal". I don't think this will go down well with the Judge at all.
They are, in a sense, doing her a favor BUT it is more to do with doing themselves a favor. I don't believe for one minute that this is really for Candace's benefit. I don't know if anybody remembers that case many years ago where another abuse victim lost her civil case and the WTS pursued her for costs, adding insult to injury? Ouch! I don't think she was in a position to pay. I can't remember the outcome (did they drop it in the end? Must do a search on JWN - details escape me)*. They will not be able to recover the premiums from Candace either. Win or lose, they will be at a financial disadvantage if they cannot use their property as surety instead of cash. That's how I understand it anyway.
they say the $17m bond is "filed and posted". Does this mean they've already paid it in full?
Yes, they've set up the bond. Otherwise the Court wouldn't have rescinded the order curtailing WT of NY movements of property and cash. See,
09/21/12 Undertaking on Appeal Filed for Debtor
09/27/12 Order Stipulation To Vacate Orders Staying Enforcement of Judgment Filed
It's the premiums (a kind of insurance on the bond, I think) they are quibbling about. They're trying to save themselves $86/170/200 grand.
Scott77 - somebody legally trained who could comment on this would be a distinct advantage but, failing that, you just need reading comprehension skills to get a rough idea of what's going on.
* Edit: I was thinking of the Vicki Boer case. She won but the Judge ordered her to pay the WTS's legal costs. However, the WTS dropped their action in pursuit of costs a couple of months later.
Thanks AnnOMaly...
If they've already paid the bond in full, then it's this line in the original Ex Parte that I have a problem with...
(Lines 26 and 27 of page 4 of the Ex Parte)
"However, no hearing dates for a motion are available until late January 2013 - well after the bond payments begin."Thoughts?
Which 'Ex-Parte'? Do you have a date for that?
No wait ... I'll find it.
Yes, it's the one dated October 18th - the document on which I based the article.