hmm........well I think if there isn't a strong policy in force yet, it will change soon. Very soon there will be a rise with the spread of true knowledge and it will become in the GB's mind dangerous for elders to even have judicial committees or let the so called apostate or questioner have a chance to get the elders to think with the very valid reasons for questioning.
There are two things that may happen in as quickly as a few months to a year. It's already starting and that's why the increase in those who think they are annointed and the recent GB change on the slave.
A. MAJOR increase in true bible knowledge combined with the true history and happenings of the WT when put together correctly will make any apostate judicial committee a danger because elders will be unable to keep a blind eye on them, if this happens almost coordinated or a wave, quickly, it 'could' possibly awaken moving up the chain, elders, circuit overseers, etc, and in a best case scenario if it gets to some pure hearted ones high up who are just disillusioned, cause some major positive changes.
B. If not fast enough or those who are WILLFULLY and in full knowledge causing the evil, will see this coming, so will do a preemptive strike w/ major changes to try to prevent this. They have begun that w/ the new light on only the GB being the faithful slave.
I really wish the GB were just disillusioned, that deep down all up there were good people doing what they felt was right, because things would be for sure about to change for the better. But there are willful and malicious ones, no idea if all or just the ones really pulling the strings.
On my end, with my project here is a progress report, when I put that video together and it didn't go through and I noticed a few things and had to rethink what to share and such, all of that is done. I am right now building a website, it will have video clips and text information. 1 video only or just video would not be good enough, so will have many scriptures and sources listed as text to go with them, to help out and make it easier and more organized.
Again I want to make it clear, I am not seeking followers, I am not seeking money. Front start to finish the true God in the bible wants people to put trust and faith in him. Ancient Israel being given a king was they demanded it, and it wasn't best for them, he allowed it and gave in, but human king's can go bad and many did. Jesus, the apostles, etc, the whole bible people, true ones weren't supposed to have human leaders. So I am only trying to help, to clear up some things, so the goal is revealing the truth of God and the truth in the bible, which hopefully will give everyone much needed answers and help start a solid true foundation, and be FREE. Jesus said the truth will set you FREE.
It's the false brothers who even in the early christians, even when all the apostles were still alive who kept sneaking in to ENSLAVE everyone. It happened. And with Russell, in the beginning all were free, but within 20 years or so, enslaving began. So anyway I'm moving along now. I was too rushed when doing that initial video and I am doing it all the right way now. No promise on the day the site to be published, and it won't be fully complete, it will always be a work in progress, but the real important stuff together when published, my eta is before years end, which isn't much time. I am going as quick as I can because I feel on several areas there is a short span of time where much good can be done before it's too late, (like the GB issue).