@ 00dad Thank you for stirring my thought processes regarding your topic. As someone who has made certain statements which ruffled some feathers in the congregation, I feel as if I am viewed with a certain amount of suspicion. Elders just seem to appear at my shoulder from time to time if I'm having a conversation with someone. The distrust is mutual! My answer to the LOYALTY question would be this; "Brothers, as fellow Christians I have to say to you, with respect, that you have absolutely no right to ask me or anyone else such a question. If we read Jesus' words at Matthew 24 regarding the slaves, Jesus tells us that he will judge who is faithful, and who is evil when he returns to do his judging- but you are asking me, a publisher, to carry out the judging!! We were told by Jesus that there would be evil slaves in the same household. Now that there are only 8 men claiming to be the "faithful slave", which of those would you judge to be an evil slave? I will not go beyond what is written; I will leave the judging to Christ - Jehovah has entrusted him, not me! Likewise with the 'wheat & the weeds' sown in the same field - I can't judge." If it became clear that such ones were conducting an inquisition and were looking for blood, I would revert back to the old saying which says, "the best form of defence is attack." I'd quote 1st Peter 3:15 and say to them point blank, "I demand a reason from you regarding your belief in Jehovah's written word, the Bible, not the teachings of men which invalidate God's word; Do you believe (as we've been taught by the FDS) that during Christ's 1000 year reign, "new scrolls" will be opened which will reveal wonderful new teachings and instructions from Jehovah - delivered by Christ and the 144,000 ?". I'd then suggest that they study Revelation 20:1-12, and when they were prepared to discuss what the Bible really teaches, come back and talk to me about Scriptural truths, rather than organizational directives.