About Dan Sydlik...

by Patriot 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    Anyone that knew Sydlik knew he joked and kidded around....A LOT. He was the type to say whatever was on his mind. He was joking when he punched dude in the stomach.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi Black Man and gang...

    I knew Sydlik fairly well... a pretty down-to-earth, plaine-speaking igf somewhat eccentric guy. Fancied himself an artist, loved to paint and wear berets, had an outsized ego, married a real looker much younger than he. He also was a ``closet liberal'' who I think, alas, may have folded and gone underground when ``push came to shove'' during the Franz-Dunlap-Sanchez witchhunt era.

  • Farkel

    : The problem is that if are not expecting something like that, even a not so hard puch can knock the wind out of you.

    That's exactly how Houdini died. It's no laughing matter, Mav. Would Jesus have done such a thing? No? Then how can you excuse someone claiming to directly represent Jesus and all his earthly interests for doing such a thing? No sane human would have done such a thing and every sane human knows that.



  • discuss

    Houdini died from a punch in the stomach?

  • Farkel

    :Houdini died from a punch in the stomach?

    Oooops! I fell for another urban myth without first checking it out. Sorry.

    > http://ask.yahoo.com/ask/20000710.html


  • Fredhall


  • crownboy

    Sounds like Sydlik accidentally hit the guy too hard. Unless he was having some sort of wierd, physcotic episode I doubt that he was trying to cause permanent harm to the brother he punched.

    Though I don't think he meant to hurt the guy, I find it weird that he didn't seem to apologize. My guess is that if the "tables were turned" and the brother had accidentally punched "Danny Boy" too hard, the brother would have broken the record for the most number of I'm sorries said in a minute.

    Amazing said:

    Gee, and it was Dan Sydlik who once stated to a friend of mine that he believes that "the WTS has it all wrong, and the WTS needs to scrap the whole religion and start over at Genesis 1:1."
    And I think that he was the only GB member to actually "get his hands dirty" and interrogate people during the Witch hunt period. How he could reconcile the two positions is truly amazing.

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • JT

    comment #1:

    "Anyone who ever served at Bethel new Dan was the man"

    comment #2:

    "Anyone that knew Sydlik knew he joked and kidded around....A LOT. He was the type to say whatever was on his mind"


    yes Dan was the man- just a couple of exp i had with him-

    Dan use to work in the factory with us- he was a HE MAN TYPE

    we used to have softball teams:

    Plumbers vs electricians
    pressroom vs bindery
    paintshop vs cleaning etc

    we had a full schedule on the lockeroom bd

    anyway Dan was down to earth as a GB he used to play Pitch for all the teams and CALLED HIS OWN BALLS- you got to love

    beside if he struck you out as we used to say "Are you going to argue against the annointed of jah"

    they were the days man

    he was down to earth -- I RECALL one day walking back to the factory from lunch and some poor bethelite who looked like an orphan was walking in front of us and behind him were these two guys laughing
    at my man High Waters pants and behind them was Sydlik and he saw he dogging my man so he walked up and kicked the bro in the "A$$" and said: "NOW BE HUMBLE"
    MAN WE FELL OUT ON THE GROUND he just kicked a dude in the A$$-

    but my favorite exp involving Sydlik was SEX-


    1. we got an annoucnment one day about a closed meeting for bethelites ONLY NO GUEST WOULD BE ALLOWED

    every so often we had these special talks to the bethel family
    we had one on DEBASED MUSIC AS WELL

    anyway this one was different for NO SISTERS WERE ALLOWED TO ATTEND

    SO after the family wt study all the sisters after the prayer got up and were dimissed

    so it's all MEN left-- His talk was on "BEATING YOU MEAT"

    TOLD us not to drink before bed and not to sleep on your stomach, and on and on it went

    _________what was so sad about that was about 2yrs later a group of us were in the elevator and sydlik and marainer(something like that) anyway his "YOUNG FINE WIFE" - WE CALL HIM AN OLD DOGGGGGGGGGG

    got on the elevator with us and it was about 7 or 8 of us single guys in the elevator in the Towers building and then they step off the elevator and while the door was open he looked back at us and "SMACKED HIS WIFE A$$ WITH HIS HAND"


    AND the doors on the elevator closed and no one said a word. Taht night i guess we all tried not to sleep on our stomachs


    yes he WAS THE MAN

    o the days of bethel the joys of being young , stupid and blind

  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    How to Take a Punch
    Take a Blow to the Body

    1. Tighten your stomach muscles.

    A body blow to the gut (solar plexus) can damage organs and kill. This sort of punch is one of the best and easiest ways to knock someone out. (Harry Houdini was killed by an unexpected blow to the abdomen.)

    2. Do not suck in your stomach if you expect that a punch is imminent.

    3. If possible, shift slightly so that the blow hits your side, but do not flinch or move away from the punch.

    Try to absorb the blow with your obliques this is the set of muscles on your side that wraps around your ribs. While a blow to this area may crack a rib, it is less likely to do damage to internal organs.

    "God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh." ~Voltaire

  • LDH
    Taht night i guess we all tried not to sleep on our stomachs

    Cruel and unusual punishment. Actually, having Bethel located in NYC is Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

    NYC, with such a diverse mixture of ethnicities--is home to some of the most beautiful and sexy women on the planet.

    It seems that if they didn't want my boys thinking about beating their meat, they would have located Bethel in the Appalachian Outback.

    Sydlik's wife, if she were 'worldly' would be a gold digger. Why else would you marry some dried-nuts old man if not for position and power within the organization?

    Humming the tune to Deliverance Class

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