I am thinking about renting it. Would you recommend me to watch it?
Have you ever watched the Angels & Demons Movie?
by Iamallcool 12 Replies latest jw friends
I read the book, liked it even better than Davinci Code and watched the movie. It's been a while but I liked both.
I read the book a long time ago and liked it. don't know about the movie. What have you got to lose except two hours of your life you won't ever get back?
If you liked The DaVinci Code, you'll probably like Angels & Demons.
I liked it. I thought it was better than the first one. I plan on reading the third book the lost symbol in the series too.
The book was pretty gory, but the movie tones that down. It's not bad.
Hope you don't "catch a demon" from it
Tom hanks - barf. Can't stand him.
Christ Alone
How could anyone like Hollywoods most likeable guy, Tom Hanks?
I am not a Hanks fan either.....Sister Blues (believing dub) got the DVD and we saw it together . She liked it, I was not so impressed - but it was O K .
NB , don't mind me , I am hard to please with films