Why is there no honorable way to leave the Watchtower?
by BlindersOff1 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just walk.
Or fade if that is your choice.
Is either dishonourable?
As one of the commenters noted, it's a good effective question ruined by the rambling rant that follows.
Lady Lee
Can you imagine how many people would leave if they were allowed to leave with zero repercussions? How many would have ever gotten involved if they knew ahead of time all the rules and things they would have to give up including family.
If they make it a sin to leave then people feel trapped. And boy do they have them feeling trapped
Amelia Ashton
It is only dishonourable in the Jehovah's Witness's eyes, everyone who has already left knows how difficult it is and thinks it is courageous and the rest of the world doesn't have a clue.
The WTBTS have to make it dishonourable purely to stop other members from having their eyes opened to the fact that it is a high mind control book publishing corporation and not the route to salvation or paradise.
The simple answer is, the GB are terrified of the real truth reaching their members so need to stop them having any contact with anyone who has information that could cause a detrimental effect to their bank balance.
WT magazine likened those who had left to being similar to a person who is carrier of an infectious deadly disease. Fear at it's greatest.
I wrote this answer and submitted it:
The Watchtower believes that their church is the Ark of Noah's day, today. If you are not in the Ark, and you have had ample time to come inside, you will be destroyed just like the people were in the flood story of the Torah. Therefore, from their perspective, leaving the Watchtower Society is like signing your own death warrant. There would be no reason to do such a thing when you could just save yourself by becoming one of them. This doctrine has perpetuated untold suffering for millions of people including myself.
St George of England
To prevent 7 million JW's becoming 1 million JW's overnight.
***** The Watchtower believes that their church is the Ark of Noah's day*****
It seems Jehovah's Christ is always substituted and diverted by the GB to ITSELF.....
Would you called this An anti Christ ?
2 Corinthians 4:5 We do NOT preach ourselves, But Jesus Christ as lord.
1 Peter 3:21
And that water is a picture of baptism, which now saves you, not by removing dirt from your body, but as a response to God from a clean conscience. It is effective because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Chariklo, Just walk. Or fade if that is your choice. Is either dishonourable?
Good point. The problem is that there is no honorable way to leave from the perspective of those that remain. So while a person may decide conscientiously that they can no longer be part of the organization then it is honorable on their part to leave, but they will be shunned and demonized by those that remain.
I think that is implicit in the question, but your comment clarifies or brings into focus the real issues. In many ways, it's a matter of perception and perspective.
Can you imagine how many people would leave if they were allowed to leave with zero repercussions? How many would have ever gotten involved if they knew ahead of time all the rules and things they would have to give up including family.
The irony that a policy that is supposed to "keep the congregation clean" forces people who would rather leave to stay as members.