awesome!!! there is a woman who truly cares and gives!! she is a beautiful person.
Are Texas women cows?
by kurtbethel 38 Replies latest jw friends
still thinking
How sad people need to make fun of a woman that is doing something to help others. And while they get their cheap giggles, being patronising about women breastfeeding. Sad.
I mean, we had our own giggles at home about breast milk in the fridge and it being mistakenly used for coffee etc...but that is very different to comparing a woman, who is helping prem babies, to a cow.
I'm serious.
I mean, think about it, we are weaned at whatever age, and then we go off and drink other mammilian milk for the rest of our lives. Seems like a bit of a substitution going, there.
Not that i would imbibe, of course. But, speaking in a general objective way.
finally awake
human milk is quite tasty apparantly. My kids all loved it. I personally don't drink any milk at all.
i was looking at my old threads and elder is right, my comment is pretty imature. i do however wonder if it has to do with the amount of beef we consume. beef which is pumped up with growth hormone and steroids for higher meat yield. i would research the pattern of texan women with excess milk production.
sorry if i offended anyone who bennifts from this. but we still have some of the finest ladies here in texas.
I noticed that i commented a bunch of times. I must have been a deprived kid.
aww, come on satanus. im 30 and still breast feed, from texas ladies. getcha some