Appreciation for the original soundtrack for the rock opera theater cast and for the movie that soon followed. But any comments on any of the versions or stories you have, thoughts you have on this masterpiece by Andrew Lloyd Webber would be cool.
First question: Ian Gillan, the original Jesus, of Deep Purple fame on the soundtrack from 1970?
Or Ted Neely, a Texas rocker who did the role of Jesus in the movie?
I say both. I love them both.
When the movie came to Atlanta, we loved it so much we got a different mother to bring us to Lowes Tara in Atlanta to see it for most of the nights the first week it was there. I have to say that when I saw all those paintings of Christ, during the Garden of Gethemane scene in the movie, flash onto that huge screen I felt very moved. VERY. No matter what your feelings are about the Bible or Jesus, this is one hip, very 1970's rock opera.