Update:Jonathan Holt

by Iamallcool 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    His poor wife! How do you wrap your head around being married to such a monster. I noticed Holt said that everything seemed "surreal". Going for the insanity defense perhaps? As far as viewing porn, if it was regular adult porn that is one thing but when it is child porn, he is a very dangerous, sick & twisted individual. Makes me wonder if there is any history of molestation in KH records about him. The more we learn about this case, the uglier it gets. Leslie

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    So now the question will be, how much did the brothers know before all this went down?

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Exactly, Wha Happened. I hope the police delve very deeply into any possible KH records. The victim's mother said about it being a witness, well it very well may be, but not in a positive way that's for sure. -Leslie-


    The poor wife probably never new her hubby was a favorite sheep of Elder Touchandstuff Mc Cornhole. I have never heard a story of someone having real issues with porn, like child-porn, that wasn't abused as a child. He was a time bomb. Had he not been caught he would probably have killed himself later. I would bet money that the Elder's and the Branch knew something. I know of too many case where the husband had serious issues and nothing was done besides telling the wife to be loving and respectful, and taking away microphone priviledges for a while. Sickening

  • life is to short
  • Finkelstein

    Truly a sick bastard, may he rot in a jail cell for the rest of his life.

    The fact that he was making up stories after the event to people who knew him ... ie. wife, members of his congregation, police,

    shows an implication of guilt, which removes much of the possibility of a plea of insanity in this case.

    This boy is going to be in prison for very long time !

    I hope both Whitney's husband and Johnathan Holt's wife can continue on with their lives and put this affair eventually behind them.

  • Finkelstein

    By the way I noticed that Oregon State still has the death penalty, so there is the possibility of that happening too.

    Capital punishment in Oregon

    Capital punishment is legal in the U.S. state of Oregon . The first execution under the territorial government was in 1851. Capital punishment was made explicitly legal by statute in 1864, and executions have been carried out exclusively at the Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem since 1904. The death penalty was outlawed between 1914 and 1920, again between 1964 and 1978, and then again between a 1981 Oregon Supreme Court ruling and a 1984 ballot measure.

    Since 1904, about 60 individuals have been executed in Oregon. Thirty-seven people are on Oregon's death row as of 22 November 2011. [1] [2] The current method of execution in Oregon is lethal injection . Aggravated murder is the only crime subject to the penalty of death under Oregon law.

  • Cagefighter

    Finkelstin, actually this is all going down in Oregon. They have the death penalty too as well.

  • Finkelstein

    Sorry got my bearings wrong, I'm a silly Canadian

    This may eventually come about for there was kidnapping ( forcible abduction ), robbery , rape and murder all together

    upon one single event and upon one singular person ( victim )

  • Cagefighter

    It's OK Finkel, you get a pass.

    Different states handle the death penalty differently. In Texas he would definitely get the death penaly. Only two people have been executed in Oregon since 1978, so don't hold your breath.

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