On the road to becoming a crazy cat person

by wha happened? 38 Replies latest social entertainment

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    OK, now that my household has been over-run by two kittens. Two kittens that have me running to the pet shop almost daily, I'm becoming a crazy cat person. Be prepared for a plethora of cat links.


  • 00DAD

    Oh no! That's it, we can't be friends anymore. It's over!!! ... lol

    Just one question: Is your wife a CatWoman or a CatLady?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    neither, just a cat

  • mamochan13

    I went through that for the past two years. Started when my daughter's cat had 5 babies and my daughter left them on my doorstep. Then one of them "accidentally" got pregnant (by her sibling, no less) and we ended up with another 5 babies. Then another daughter moved in, bringing her two cats.

    I was ready to go insane, especially when one of the two cats began to have all kinds of health problems (we think related to when he was fixed). He could not control his bladder, peed everywhere and would have seizures and attack and claw you while you were asleep. My daughter had to have him euthanized.

    We finally managed to find homes for all the kittens. I was going to keep one kitten from the original group because she had adopted me and become "my" cat. Then she somehow got out of the house and disappeared during a freak snowstorm. The last cat standing was one of my daughter's two, and she moved out last week, taking the cat with her.

    This morning I was thinking how nice it is to be cat-free, finally!

  • Satanus

    I was a cat person for 15 yrs, or so. I still love the little b******s. But, they can be very demanding when they get older.


  • Satanus

    Btw, the 'craziness' comes from toxoplasmosis that some cats have. People can get it from their crap. It makes people less smart, and some of us are too smart, anyway. Toxo has an interesting story, as part of its cycle includes mice. It makes mice less smart too, and therefore easier for cat to catch. Ie, cat and mouse are happier:wink:


  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    i want a cat. i miss having one. the first one i "had" (she was in the family first and i think she knew it) used to go hunting for mice, snakes and birds in the backyard to bring me. sometimes alive. very disgusting, but i still had to give her her cat food and pet her as a thanks.

    fancy feast or bust! lol.

  • LV101

    You have good hearts assuming responsibility for these beautiful creatures --- I'm still trying to survive from The Human Society's ad on TV an hour ago showing the abused animals. Just how many of these organizations are out there --- what a sick society allowing this treatment of animals.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I'm a crazy hedgehog lady. I have 11 now!

  • Hortensia

    hedgehogs? cool!

    I miss my cats terribly, but it doesn't work to have them here where I live.

    I loved this picture the most:

    Grumpy Cat


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