Step right up ladies and gentlemen...step right up!
Behold the spectacle of spectacles in the center ring!
In the bigtop you'll stare in amazement as parents deny lifesaving medical intervention for their innocent children, refuse higher education and turn their backs on charities for the poor and WHILE CLAIMING TO BE CHRISTIAN!
Behold the awesome bedazzlement of door to door magazine salesmen pitching poorly written books with nonsense articles on imaginary doctrines pretending to be from the throne of God!
Gaze in amazement as the self-appointed Faithful and Discreet slave stumbles over its own history with coverups, denials, rationalizations and false prophecies while tightening its iron grip on the numbed minds of its fellowship!
Outwit, outplay and outlast the Survivors of this wicked old system of things by refusing to salute the flag of the country that gives you religious freedoms!
Con the rubes by telling them the Kingdom Hall is the ark of salvation as Watchtower zombies highlite their magazines and parrot the conditioned-responses concocted in the laboratories of Brooklyn NY.
If you don't like what you hear, my friend, just hang around and it will change! There's a new doctrine right around the corner.
Time is short. It always has been! Armageddon is in our generation. Just like all the generations before us. Stay busy. Stay alert. Shut up and do as you are told. Ask no questions and put a cork in the leaks.
This Circus of Horrors is brought to you by:
Poor education
Gullible fantasies
Irrational wishful thinking
Social irresponsibility
and failure to do proper research!
Jehovah's Witnesses are operating a Circus of Horrors not just in the month of October and Halloween.
The spectacle will go on and on as long as people answer their doorbells and discover there is far more Trick than promised Treats
from these religious zombies.