"...Witnesses hear and read a great deal about the positives of being a Witness at their meetings and literature. The leadership makes sure they don’t forget how fortunate they are to have the “Truth” that no other religion has. Since I have been guaranteed the most important of the freedoms JWs fought so hard for, freedom of expression, I’ll acquaint you with the harmful side of this organization and why I say they are now the oppressors..." | |
http://www.watchtowerdocuments.com/advocacy/dangerous-to-associate-with-jehovahs-witnesses.html |
Why Association With The Watchtower Religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is Dangerous?
by Scott77 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Marking. A must read for my daughter.
Ok ...Will give it a read.
So many good points...
For me it is the summary of all...You can see from what you (THEY) present as "truth" is not so...Because 'truth' never changes but JW so called "truths" do. SO their constant changing of teachings indicate they are not being directed by "a GOD".
It would appear that 'you' (JWs) believe what they do today based on what brought them into the religion. So many that I talk to do not know what the current belief are. They are still hoping the end will come in their lifetime and bring about the promised relief, with little thought as to what is said is going to happen to the majority of humans alive today.
marking, thanks