"...The secret hearings took place over two weekends in the latter part of 1992 and the committee consisted of the chairman, Geoff Woodfield (a family friend and a generally decent man); Rensford Ming (a quiet guy of Jamaican origin, also a decent man); and Dave Churchill and Stan Rogers, both company men who humiliated me and assassinated my character. They both were downright rude and insulting to my wife. All elders, with the exception of Woodfield were appointed from neighboring congregations. Needless to say, after two weekends of mentally exhausting questioning, I was found guilty of the charge even though I expressed repentance and offered apologies to any who I may have stumbled..." | |
http://www.watchtowerdocuments.com/stories/lester-kite.html |
What do you think about your own personal experience during a Judicial Committee hearing with Watchtower Elders? Were they rude, insulting or nice to you? Did you felf humiliated or respected?