hi i have not been here for a while i did not have a working pc how has everyone been ? just wondering if there a re any ex jws from maryland
any ex witness from maryland ?
by unstopableravens 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
Good morning unstopableravens: By your user name I'm assuming your a ravens fan. So am I. I'm also proud to be an ex-elder who has faded successfully for 9 years. Welcome back and yes I live in Maryland.
lol yeah i bleed purple and black as i make my way out i wanted to get with some ex jws who dont live to far away
I live in Delaware. Maryland is like a half hour drive from where I live.
cool im not to far so let me know!
I'm in the DMV area
Burgandy. Gold.
burgandy and gold not good lol
Redskins fan here too. haha. Burgundy & Gold :-)
I, too, am in Maryland. But probably not all that close, if you're talking Baltimore. [Creepy sd-7 stalker crosses Baltimore off map with rusty knife...]
I'm a Redskins fan myself, but it's a lot like waiting for Armageddon to arrive--just when you think something's going to happen, it doesn't... Even so, RG3 has made a believer out of me this year. If they had a defense to go with that offense, they'd be Super Bowl material. Or at least playoff material. But that's another matter. You just asked if there was anyone from Maryland. [Maggie Gyllenhaal impersonation from 'The Dark Knight'] "My answer is yes!"