is there a danger in being financially secure?

by hoser 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser

    This question keeps repeating itself within myself. Why is the watchtower so hell-bent on keeping jw's undereducated, underemployed and under financed?

    is it a control issue?


  • Iamallcool

    yep, I think it is a control issue.

  • DaCheech

    "the carrot at the end of the stick"

  • DaCheech

    if you're happy, then you won't look for their promise

  • hoser

    we will be studying the jeremiah book next and it is full of

    don't send your kids to college\

    don't you DARE go to college

    don't even think of working overtime and missing a meeting

    if you are a business owner don't entertain your "worldly" clients

    From a business standpoint it is a slow death for the watchtower organization. Keep the sheeples impoverished and they can't leave but they can't give much of a donation either


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    It's is a slow death. Once upon a time, little to no education still allowed for a decent living. Nowadays it's a life in poverty. With every WT is the direction to a more austere life, but the donation solicitation has increased

  • hoser

    eventually the $hit will hit the fan. dubs under pressure will either give in, give up or lash out.


  • Finkelstein

    The WTS. for the longest time wants people and cultivated people to be their door to door sales representatives.

    This is described by the WTS. as serving the lord and his sacred gospel message, in reality its a bag of tricks

    instigated to get people to be full time pioneers for their organization.

    The WTS. has strongly put forth the message for close to a century now, that this world is coming to its end anyways,

    so why strive for financial security in a world that is soon to be destroyed.

    In reality its a self proposed marketing gimmick that has worked for the WT organization for many years now.

    The ironic thing is and its not realized by JWS that the WTS. is very secure and wealthy indeed, with over a billion dollars in assets today.

    Sadly the people who accepted this marketing strategy as " The Truth " all throughout their lives are now living in adverse poverty.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    People that are financially secure will put their faith in their investments and savings rather than the the WTS promises which are so close.

    More and more I see the 'truth' only attracting people with low income, poor education, mental and physical health issues, all of whom desperately need the new system.


  • Finkelstein

    Why is the watchtower so hell-bent on keeping jw's undereducated, underemployed and under financed?

    is it a control issue?

    Absolutely its about control, the WTS. feels if they themselves control the information one receives then they can be controlled

    to purpose and liking.

    Another reason why they discourage higher education for its a deterrent to their information they are trying to force into people's minds.

    If one looks at it as an act of protection and of focused internal self promotion, then you can see the underling truth to the matter.

    Gerrit Lösch a GB member recently stated in a public talk that pursuing higher education is in kind to putting a gun to your head.

    This I'm sure that would disgust the majority of the general public, not least the people who work in these higher education institutions.

    Hypocrisy, corruption, deceit and ignorance its all there at the head quarters of the Watchtower Corporation.

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